Praise the Lord!
Ok, not that I didn't enjoy the quests. I really did. It was nice to have a goal and achieve it every week. It was also awesome to have a goal, achieve it, AND be accountable for it. Just another reason why blogging = awesome!!
Today, I completed the final quest... cleaning out the car.
And trust me.. my car needed it lol.
I didn't take any pictures, but it does look 100x better. The hubs had cleaned it out before our vacation in May, and I had... well... not been doing my part to keep it clean. Ok, it was kinda embarrassing because people in real life knew about this blog... knew I had cleaning tips... etc... and then when they saw my car it was like... YESH!
I was embarrassed.
But it was so much easier with 3 kids to just leave the stuff in the car and forget about it when I got into the house... only to be reminded of it like a sledge hammer to the head once I got back in the car to go somewhere else.
Out of sight... out of mind.
Anyway, I can now proudly haul people around town again *HUZZAH!* and right before I have to go back to work
Completing the last quest means that my summer is nearing its end.
Yeap, in my district, teachers go back next Wednesday... so my summer is about over. Its sad in a way, but I've had a great one! (even with the Biopsy and the wisdom teeth surgery). It has been one of my absolute favorite summers! I've loved getting to be a 'SAHM' for these past 9 weeks. I've loved watching all of my kids grow (and they have grown a lot this summer! The baby has started walking. My middle daughter has learned to put her clothes on herself. Any oldest has asked Jesus to live in her heart.) It has been an awesome summer and I'm so thankful that I have gotten to spend it with my family... and you (yes you, blog readers!)
So... what's next? Well, we are going to take a little break. Rest from the cleaning quests. And I'm going to enjoy the last few days of my vacation (and of course... blog lol).
I'm going to leave the 'Summer Quests' tab up for a few more weeks... just so everyone can get caught up (because I know you will ;)). Then starting probably the last week of August, I'm taking those down so I can use that space for the next series we are doing. Non-cleaning related :)
There will be an 'official' annoucement about it coming next week. So be looking for that.
Again, I want to thank everyone for doing these (and just reading if that's what you've been doing). Especially my friend, Kathi-Ann, from who has not only been doing these with me, but she has been blogging about it :) I wish I had something for you, girl!
Be looking for the next series annoucement next week, and have a great Saturday!!
Much love and Happy Cleaning :)
P.S. I wanted to share that today I started something new when I did my 'Saturday Cleaning'. Before I cleaned, I picked a verse that I wanted to memorize. I'm going to start trying to memorize verses and getting them close to my heart. So, I wrote that verse down on an index card (pink to be exact) and worked on it during my cleaning time...
Lets see if it worked:
*Complete from memory*:
Romans 6:13~ Do not let any part of your body be used in evil for serving sin. Instead completely give yourself to God for you were dead, but now you have a new life. So use your whole body as an instrument for what is good for the Glory of God.
Ok... how did I do?
Here is the actual verse (from the New Living Translation btw).
Romans 6:13~ Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourself completely to God for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument of what is right for the Glory of God.
***Ok..I need a little more work... Better go find something else to clean lol
Have a great day :)