Today is Friday which means 5 minute Friday over at Gypsy Mama ( Basically, she gives you a word and you write on it for 5 minutes. I'm not guaranteeing greatness today... I'm tired ;)
TODAY'S word is: HERE
I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here... I like here... here is comfortable. Here is awesome. Here is a great place to be.
And that scares me sometimes...
What if... God doesn't want me to be... HERE.
What if... He wants me to go There... or there... or THERE... or even ThErE!
What will I do then?
Will I accept it and move on?
Or will I dig my heels in and fight the entire way?
I *like* here.
Here is nice...
Here is normal...
Here is... here.
There is scary. There isn't 'my' normal. There isn't here.
But what if...