Oh man! I forgot it was the first Wednesday of the month (which is hard since it's the FIRST!) Sigh. So glad the comments reminded me of it.
So, this month I want to talk about 'what if no one likes it?'
As in, what if no one likes your book...
*You've taken time away from your family to write it...
*You've poured your heart into it...
*You've found a publisher who loves it as much as you to...
*And you sit down and work on edits with your editor... and your freeze!
Because it doesn't seem real...
And, the what-ifs start creeping in.
You've read your book no telling how many times (I just finished my 16th full manuscript edit of CROSSING THE DEEP), and it can get redundant. It appears I use OK and look/looks/looking way too much (but I've fixed it so don't let that keep you from buying it ;). It's easy to fall into the trap of, "OH MY GOSH! PEOPLE... OTHER PEOPLE... PEOPLE I KNOW.. ARE GOING TO READ THIS!"
And it can get overwhelming.
So... how do you deal with it?
Honestly, I have no idea lol
I know that this book was the book God wanted me to write. There was no way it could have been written and published in as short of a time as it is without God in it :) And I know that it won't be perfect, but it will be the best book I/my editors (who are wonderful!) can produce. My editor sent me a message and said that the book was really emotional... which made me happy :)
I'm actually starting to feel better about this :) Thanks IWSG ;)
Do you get nervous when others read your stories? Or are you chomping at the bit to get it to them? (I'm honestly a little bit of both. I can't wait until it's released to the masses :) )
Much Love, and happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day :)
**P.S. one of the janitors at the school I work at died tonight after a brief illness. Please pray for his family. He was honestly the funniest, most loving man ever. He truly loved his job, the kids, his wife, and God. Our loss is definitely Heavens gain.