Its been another awesome week reading the Bible in 90 days. :) I made it to Ezekiel today. Lets see what I read/learned...
* Isaiah is a wordy/long book-- I had to get some pushing from my sister to push on through... but I did. I like the last few chapters better than the beginning... BUT its only because I had a hard time figuring out what things that he had prophesied had came true and when at the beginning. But once I figured that out, I was A-OK.
*One thing I had underlined:
Isaiah 60:22- "The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen."
*Jeremiah... poor Jeremiah... he didn't seem to want to be a prophet.
*Jeremiah, bless him again, was mocked, jailed, beaten, laughed at, etc... all for the Lord. He told the people that God was angry and was going to let them be conquered--- for 23 years! That is determination/perseverance right there! He didn't like being made fun of, and he got discouraged many times-- but the point is that he did what the Lord told him too... for 23 years. I liked Jeremiah.
*Jeremiah 23:24-- Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?" says the Lord.
*The false prophets were telling the people that everything was going to be OK... that God wasn't going to punish them. Strangely, these were the prophets the people LOVED to listen too. Hmmmm...
*In Jeremiah 42, the people wanted Jeremiah to pray for what to do and where to go. So he did... and 10 days later, God answered. 10. days. later. MOST of the time, we want an answer NOW. not tomorrow, next week, 10 days from now... etc. Wonder what they thought?
*People in Jerusalem had it rough after they were taken over. Jeremiah wrote about things in Lamentations that I could have done without reading :(
*When Ezekiel was 30, the Lord whopped him upside the head with a pretty vivid vision.
*So far, I really like reading Ezekiel. He wrote it where you can picture it in your mind. It's really neat.
*Jeremiah was a prophet to the people still in Jerusalem at the same time Ezekiel was a prophet to the people who had been taken captive by the Babylonians (the first time) *IF that is wrong... someone let me know lol
Onward and upward :) Very much looking forward to next week's readings :)
**Don't forget, 'THANKFUL TUESDAY' link-up opens tomorrow at 9 pm. And the "What is Love?" Bible Study starts NEXT MONDAY. I'm going to have daily discussions on my facebook page for the 12 weeks we are studying so please, if you are going to do the Bible Study with us, 'like' the facebook page to the right. You don't absolutely have too, but I do think it will help... plus, I like to talk lol. I'm hoping we can have some good discussions during this study :) :)
Much Love, Kelly