There are times in your life that you know are important when they are happening. Either you know it at the time…. Or you think about it later.
Your wedding….
The birth of your child….
All are important dates that you plan for… you anticipate… days you know are special and will be forever planted in your memories.
Then there are the days that you look back on and upon reflection know that something you did/didn’t do could have been important.
The latter happened to me Friday, August 19th, 2011.
Thinking back on it, it was a miracle I was at the restaurant that day. My daughter had begged me to take her to the football game (she’s in 1st grade and SO wanted to go). I decided to be brave and take all 3 kids (6, 4, and 13 months) to the game.. myself. Thankfully, my awesome sister decided to go with me at the last minute (yay!). So we were set.
I should preface this and say that I had been praying for some way to share God with someone. To talk to someone about God/Jesus in some way. To help someone.
That night, I got my chance.
While we were eating out, we just ‘happened’ to sit at a table we never sit at next to a family that I knew. I had gone to school with the daughter (who was there).
Long story short, the father was 63 and had to wear an oxygen mask because he had died 2 times in the past few months due to a bad heart. He was so thankful to be alive.
He never mentioned God.
I knew it was my chance. I knew that if ANYTIME was the right time to talk about God it was to a man who had come back from the dead twice and was a walking, talking miracle.
I never mentioned God.
I’m ashamed to admit that.
This man talked to me a good 5 minutes. We talked about how he had lived when no one thought he would. He never mentioned Jesus… and neither did I.
Oh, I had the words on my tongue.
I had them rolling in my head, but for some reason, my tongue wouldn’t cooperate.
When they left, I could have kicked myself! It wasn’t a coincidence that I had ran into that man. It wasn’t something that I normally done. We had never even ate in that particular dining room. We weren’t even supposed to be there…
But there we were….
And there he was…
And I didn’t say anything.
That man died today.
I was very sad to hear that he had died. One reason was because I had known him for years. And the second because I instantly remembered that missed opportunity.
I think he was a godly man. But if I had of said something… then maybe it would have blessed him… even if just for a minute.
I mean, what bigger opportunity can you get? A simple “Well, Thank the Lord that he still does miracles!” or “God is good!” would have done.
I learned a lot from that.
I don’t want to miss any opportunity to talk to anyone about God. I want to be the type of person God uses to spread his goodness and mercy. I don’t want to be the silent/shy type… especially when it comes to God.
I’m very sad that that I’ll never get relive that moment again with that man. I remember thinking at the time, “I’ll tell him next time”
Well…. Yeah. Not a next time.
Lets take every opportunity to tell others about God. It might be the last time we see them.
This verse goes for believers as well I believe,
Colossians 4:5—Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.
Much Love, Kelly
*linked with Brag on God Friday ) Because He gives us opportunities... we just have to be willing to act on them