I'm supposed to do this on Wednesday, but I forgot. My hands have been super busy and my eyeballs are going to fall out of my head. I decided (after writing 10,000 words on my Nano) that I wanted to submit a novella for my publishers call for Valentine's day submissions.
The problem?
The deadline for the (at least) 15,000 words story is Nov. 15th!
So... Tuesday (during the election coverage), I cranked out 8,000 words (my highest EVER daily word count). Yesterday, I did 5,000 words (I know... slacker ;))
I'm sitting on 13,000 words right now. I'm thinking it will be around 20-25K when it's all said and done, then I have to edit. Like I said, my eyes... oh my eyes... lol
But I LOVE this story. Truly love it! Its one of my favorites and is just flowing. Maybe... maybe because it's 'kinda' autobiographical ;) (You'll see when it comes out).
NOW, after all of that, I'm going to get into my Insecurity for the month.
'What if' my book (any of them really, but right now, specifically Crossing the Deep) tanks. It's gotten amazing reviews, both on good reads and Amazon (lowest is 1 3 which I actually love bc that person doesn't even read YA Christian Inspirational books and she still liked it). But I'm a new writer... I see sales for other books (not in my genre mind you) and I get nervous/anxious (and yes)/ the worst of all writer sins... Jealous.
Here's the thing, though. I need to get over that lol. If I wanted to write for money, it wouldn't be in the YA/Christian/Inspirational field. It would be in something more broad.
I honestly feel I have a calling to write this type of fiction (and maybe more romantic adult fiction someday... you know, when I grow up ;) ). Otherwise, I don't see how I could even begin to write 13,000 words in two days with 3 kids, a husband, and a full-time job (Okay... so, who needs sleep? ;) )
If God wants it done, it will be done. (And I 100% believe He does :) ).
On a side note, I'm still going to give to the Red Cross. The plan was to donate $1.00 from every book I sold this week, and I still will... of course I'm going to pad it some since while it's not selling bad at all, I want to give more. The book sales/royalties will just help (like I said, 3 kids to feed lol). If you want to donate to the Red Cross yourself and would like a chance to win a free copy of Crossing the Deep, CLICK HERE :)
**PLEASE ignore the typos in this post. It's early. I have to get my kids up in a few minutes. My eyes are puffy (like I'm sure you Nano's are lol), and I'm pretty sleepy. I'm sure there are mistakes... see 'Insecure Writer' ;)