Thankful Tuesday This week, I am thankful for...
*whomever thought it would be a good idea to post what we are thankful for daily on facebook.
*Halloween costumes that hold up over time (my middle daughter is wearing her's right now)
*Watching my girls play together
*a terrific church family
*a family who loves me
*hair detangler spray
*Jesus, for loving us all so much
*My husband (who is fixing supper right now... )
*Pinterest (dot com)
*The beautiful November sky
I kow a lot of people are writing 'Thankful' posts for the month of November. I absolutely love reading them (even if I haven't commented much lately... I'm kinda swamped at the moment). It is good to take time to write down things to be thankful for-- it makes us realize that we have more than we realize.
If you have a 'thankful' post, please link it below. :) Much Love, Kelly
Purple Prose + Review
Thankful Tuesday~ 11/8/11