Lisa at A Moment With God linked to 2 blogs today that really hit home. I want to thank her so much for following God and posting these today (even though she hadn't planned on it).
The Scenic Route
I'm not trying to steal her posts, but I wanted to share what I learned from her/them.
The Scenic Route dealt with throwing away a label that you use on yourself. It's a new year... a new you... time to toss out something you don't like. I prayed about this and my word I want to throw away to never see the night of day in 2012 is...
I have a lot of fear; more than I ever really thought I had. When God let me see this, I was kinda confused. I didn't *think* I feared a lot of things. It hit me that *FEAR* doesn't have to mean horror movie. Fear is anything you worry about/are concerned about/ don't fully trust God with... to me, fear is anything beyond my control...
*Not having approvial from friends/peers
*The health of my kids
*How my kids feel about me
*What will happen 10 years from now
*What others think of me/my family
*Being unimportant
... to name a few (yeah, that's a few lol).
For 2012, I'm tossing fear in the trash and trusting in God. It's not like I 'really' have control anyway. God does!
The second part of this (From UpLIFTING Words) was to pray about and have 'My ONE Word' for the year. A word that you can look back on and focus on through out the year.
Oh, *I* had ideas of what I wanted it to be: persistant, motivated, driven...
God had a different idea (and I've decided it best to go with his... since He's GOD after all!)
My one word to focus on for 2012 is...
Love covers a lot, and it is definitely a word I need to focus on more.
*If I show love to others, I'll do my best to help them.
*If I show love to myself, I won't have to worry about what other's think.
*If I show love for God, it could change other lives.
Do you have a word you'd like to toss, and one to hang on to for the year? If not, pray about it. Deciding you aren't going to worry about your 'label' any more is such a freeing feeling!
And praying about, and receiving your "My One Word" is such a blessing.
Good bye 'fear'... you are SOOO last year!
Hello 'LOVE'... I plan to use you often :)
Linked with: Brag on God Friday