Purple Prose + TIME

Late Night Blogging...

This should be interesting to read in the morning...

So, it's 2:40 am.

Yeah, I'm up.

Sounds horrible, right?

Not really when you consider that I went to sleep at 7:30!

I didn't mean too...

I didn't want too...

But my dh was so warm...

So cuddly...

So... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... er... so tired. He stayed up all day so he could cook us a MONSTER feast of fish (that he caught himself).

Remember my 'Jessie Spano' Day on Thursday? Well, yesterday nearly topped it... HOWEVER, thanks to my sweet husband (who was off last night), he cooked supper while I got to play with Everlee for 2 hours nearly interuption free (save the other ladies who got tired of playing outside, so they came in and played with Everlee and I). Lets say that it was a great (and much needed) break. :)

The fish was awesome! Rock Fish and Stripe which means nothing to me... fish is fish... but they were good fish I'll give them that.

It's always on Friday nights that I go to sleep early. Always, Through the week, I stay up way too late, and on Friday when I 'could' stay up... nope. I conk out... Must be my old age...

I woke up at 1:30 am to a 4 year old's call that her ear was hurting... great! Of course she's not feeling well or sleeping well since we have a 'family date' to the see the Cinderella play tomorrow. Something I'm actually looking forward to... I even bought them nice, new dresses to wear... but oh well... Murphy's Mom Law, right???? Goes with the territory.

SO, in conclusion, I'm going to bed. I will be woken up many more times, I'm assuming, but that's ok. Purple bags under eyes are fashionable... right??????


blogging, FUN, the Purple, and more:

Late Night Blogging... + TIME