Purple Prose + TIME

Come on AF...

This is such a 'personal' topic, so if you don't want to read it, that's fine. However, like some wear white underwear to get the witch to show up, all I have to do is post about her NOT being here.

SO, a little backstory. Last month af came on cd 23. I always have 28 day cycles so that freaked me out a big (not freaked as in run for the hills... I mean freaked as I wasn't prepared if you know what I'm saying).

It wasn't a 'normal' af in that I didn't cramp, and other things that I won't get into.

So, that all lead to the OBVIOUS conclusion that I was pregnant (to heck with the fact that dh is fixed lol). I took a blue line hpt at cd 17 (don't ask why) and there was a second blue line!... ! Was my reaction. So I took the second test, again second blue line. For about 1 1/2 hours I thought I was pregnant and dh was freaking out lol. So he got me some FRERs and it was negative. I have none left.

Here I sit now on cd 30 of this new cycle and af isn't here... I don't think I"m pregnant. Quite the contrary. I think that af is playing with me. SHE knows that it would have been MUCH better to have her done and out of the way before next week. SHE KNOWS that Spring Break is week after next. She KNOWS that all she has to do is be around the corner and I'm as Hungry as a Hippo thereby sabotaging my diet.

That evil little minx.

Everytime I have ever posted about her being late, she came that day. So here's hoping... I'm tired of her games. I wish there was an off switch...


FUN, and more:

Come on AF... + TIME