Purple Prose + TIME

My Spring Break officially begins... :)

After that really really really downward and probably silly post from Saturday, I'm back... happy as ever :)

So, it's Monday. The first official day of Spring Break (did you hear that???? The collective yells and happy screams of teachers all across the county!!! HUZZAH!)... The weather is beautiful (82 is the high today). The sun is bright. It's a great day :)

You also know what that means, right? A full week of being a Stay at home Mom... You know sitting around and eatting bonbons all day...
Now, before you get mad at me, know that thats a total joke. My mother was a SAHM so I know how hard of a job it is. I also know that all of those things that I've put off saying, "I'll clean that room during Spring Break." or "I'll clean the car during Spring Break." or "I'll cook over Spring Break."... well, my friends. Spring Break is HERE!!!! Will I do it????????????? Who knows? lol But I know I was silly for saying it because when do SAHMs get a break to ever DO those things? Grass is greener and all that jazz...

I'm going to enjoy my week off, and I know I'll be super busy because SAHMs never get a break... well except for the rare 2 seconds when the kids are actually happy and I can get on the computer :)

Much love,

FUN, HAPPY, love, and more:

My Spring Break officially begins... :) + TIME