Are there certain brands of cleaners, detergent, shampoo, etc that you are loyal too? Even if the product next to it was free or nearly free, you wouln't buy it because it wasn't "your Brand?
I never thought I was "Brand Loyal"? I always told people I didn't care what brand it was as long as it was cheap...
Every since I started couponing, however, I have realized that I'm pretty brand loyal. I'm more set in my ways that I thought lol. Anyway, I thought I'd jot down my Top 5 Brands that I'm totally loyal too. (Kinda wish I was being paid for this... heck, I'd take coupons ;) )
My Top 5 Brands
1. Scrubbing Bubbles ( )
I admit that my slight obesssion love for Scrubbing Bubbles is what made me think to type this post up. I only give you this as evidence...

Sure, I know its a tiny stash compared to loads of other people, but I just wanted you to see how much I REALLY love Scrubbing Bubbles. I don't know if its because I usually have a lot of coupons or if the product is just really good, but I get all giddy in the Scrubbing Bubbles aisle (YES, I told you I was nerdy!)
2. All Laundry Detergent ( )
I'm a very delicate lady. Ok, so I'm not, but my skin is. I have used All Free and Clear for as long as I can remember for our clothes because all others break me out. And if it smells I sneeze for a week... or so I think anyway. I admit to not even trying any of the other Free and Clear products... thats' why I'm 'Brand Loyal'.
3. Bounce Fabric Softner ( )
Again, the free and clear thing got me. I have tried other brands and I always come back to Bounce. It seems to get my clothes less clingy and more soft than other brands.
4. Pantene Shampoo ( )
I do use other shampoos occassionally because I heard you were supposed too. However, I always come back to Pantene. I have to use the frizzy to smooth formula because, well, my hair is wild. Thick and wavy and hard to manage (like me!)
5. Johnson and Johnson Baby Products ( )
With all 3 of my kids, I have used Johnson body wash and lotion. I have tried the other brands, but in my opinion Johnson is much more superior. For some reason, it just makes a baby smell so much better (and as a mommy of a baby who spits up a lot, that's a MAJOR plus. Even if she just smells good for 5 seconds, thats still 5 seconds more than she did).
Things I'm not so particular about are:
*diapers (I get whats the cheapest between Luvs, Pampers, and Huggies),
*Lysol/Clorox cleaning wipes (I can go either way... I really like Clorox better, but Lysol wipes are usually on sale and they work just about as well in my opinion)
*Canned Goods (Wal-mart brand vs name brand.. whichever is cheapest at the time is what I use)
*Chips (I don't care who makes the chips frankly lol... as long as they are on sale)
*Make-up (I rarely get make up, but if I find a good deal/coupon I go for it, no matter the brand)
So that's my trip down Brand Loyality lane. Back to my original question... are YOU brand loyal? Are there certain items that you just can't make yourself buy anything else? Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!
Much love,