So, yesterday I blogged about my clutter room which is starting to drive me nuts. I want it clean, however, the shear size of the project scares me a bit (I mean where to start, what to do, etc). SO, as I was feeding the baby lunch yesterday (I had already finished my Sat. chores by then.) I thought, "I'm not doing anything else today. I'm tired. I just want to sit."
And then, my eyes turned behind me to my kitchen...
Oh my kitchen.
I should say that I live in an old farmhouse that was orginally built 100 years ago and was renovated to its current glory in 1981. Yeah, I said 'current' glory. We moved here almost 8 years ago... had 3 kids... and have had no money to update or really decorate it... so basically, it just looks like an old farmhouse... no I won't say old. It looks like a very lived-in, charming farmhouse. I love my house. It's not new or fancy or "pretty" but we really love it anyway...
ANYWAY, I said all of that to say this... I'm going to show pictures of my house. Be kind as you look at them...
(Don't know why I always have to add disclaimers lol).
So, back to my kitchen... I was feeding the baby and had this thought, "Why don't I organize/clean out the dishes cabinet?" Ok, that task should have taken all of 10 minutes. It's not like I have a lot of dishes/cups/ etc, but everytime I was putting things away, I either 1) couldn't find the space or 2) things would nearly fall out (fun. fun).
Here is a before picture of my cabinet...

I had already taken the plates out when I decided to blog about this so forgive me of that... see that mess??? Ug. So I took everything out, cleaned, washed down, and filled the dishwasher...

Yes, I totally have a WWE popcorn holder... total geek here.
And then...

Of course, dishes led to the baby's cabinet which led to the medicine cabinet which lead to the cleaning cabinet which led to the refrigerator...
Get the idea...
And this is when my husband got up and said, "What happened?" lol lol.
Anyway, after about 2 hours of cleaning (breaks of course because I have 3 small kids who need their Mommy)... I finally have...


AND (my husband got on the bandwagon and threw away all of the boxes and broken mirror that I blogged about yesterday... )

So now the kids can go back into that room... YAY!!
I'm so excited for my kitchen (can you tell). I haven't had an actually clean and organized kitchen in 8 years (when we moved in here). Its not perfect, but it's mine and I love it :)
BTW, I have friend who own are having a GREAT giveaway!!! I know I have like 2 readers, but I wanted to help them out. They are having a terrific giveaway. Check it out!!
Much love,