Purple Prose + weekend

~Still Sick... Revising my List~

I love the south... I do. I love the trees and the flowers and the people...


I hate the south. I do. I hate the trees and the flowers and the p... Pollen.

I had been doing so well this year. Claratin was my friend. I've taken it every other night starting in February. Thanks to my handy dandy coupons, it was always here in stalk.

And then Mother's Day Happened...

All of those flowers at church. The pollen... the sneezing... the coughing... ARG!

It's been a week and I'm still sick. Not like deathly sick, but I can't sleep because of the coughing and actually don't want to sleep because of the Claratin (strangly if I take it a few nights in a row, I can't sleep).

I've been wanting to blog, but blogger hasnt' been my friend. I've had lots of things I wanted to write about. 1 being my top 10 favorite moments EVER of Smallville (that is what I was trying to decide yesterday while doing my Saturday cleaning... *IF* I had of posted that, it would have been Epic. Truly.)

However, something has been bugging me... bugging isn't the right word. Maybe something that has stuck in my head. The other day when I posted my Top 10 daily cleaning list, I don't think I took into account the moms with small kids (I have 2 older kids to help keep my 10 month old entertained) or moms who have felt bad for a week (yeap, I'm SOOOOOOOO paying for my 'clean even if you don't feel like it' comment lol..you can all yell, "I told you so." Now... I'll take it. READY. 1... 2... 3...

*Hangs head*

I have done all of my lists every day since I've been under the weather but like I've said before, I have too. If I get off of the wagon, I'm off lol (Ask my poor exercise bike that is gathering dust now).

SO I decided to make an absolute Top THREE list or things that should be done daily. If the 10 things are just too much. If you have small kids, feel horrible, or just don't have the time (bigger kids with ballgames etc), then here is an essential top 3 list for you.

My Daily TOP THREE Cleaning List: Revised ;)

1. Wash one load of clothes. NO matter how horrible you feel... you will feel worse 7 days later when you are all ready to go out because you feel better... and you can't because you have 10 loads of laundry to do.

2. Wash the dishes. A clean sink makes even a semi clean kitchen look 10 times better. You could have a kitchen so clean you could eat off of the floor, but it won't look it if you have dishes to wash.

3. Wipe down countertops (both in bathrooms and kitchen) Using the Clorox or Lysol wipes, it takes less than 5 minutes, and helps the sense of accomplishment gene glow inside you (did I really just type that? ;) I need sleep... )

I still feel overwhelmed at times. Yesterday, I had just finished my Saturday cleaning (it had taken about 2 hours because, like I said.. under the weather... thankfully the hubs helped watch the girls so I could take my time), and someone spilled coffee all over my newly cleaned floor... And the baby has spit up more than usual this weekend... and just lots of little daily things that happens with a family that has to be cleaned and dealt with. So yeah, even with every list in the world, I can still get overwhelmed at times... but it's not as bad as it was before and I really like that. I encourage each of you to make a daily list. It could be as little as 2 tasks and as many at 20... up to you! Put it somewhere you can see it... either on the refrigerator or your Notebook. Make yourself accountable for making sure it all gets finished. If you are like me and my family, your house will never be 'clean'. But it can be manageable if you choose to make it that way.

Much Love ~*ACHOOOOOO* (Excuse me)


book, favorite, FUN, love, TIME, and more:

~Still Sick... Revising my List~ + weekend