You can learn a lot from your teen fashion magazines beyond dating and make-up tips. Study the eyes of the models and you can see the type of lighting the photographers used.
A bright, circular spot indicates that professional equipment was utilized. The light may also be square or rectangular, and there is often a black dot in the middle. The white part is the reflective material of the softbox or umbrella.
The brightness of the source also helps to determine whether a flash or natural light was employed. Light from windows and reflectors tends to be softer and more diffuse.
You can sometimes see the photographer’s blacked out image in the models eyes. This is done intentionally, and is the result of the window being directing behind the photographer, who is standing in front of the model.
Study both the location and the number of light sources in the eyes. If they are high up, then so is the position of the light. A reflector placed below the face cuts down on the amount of shadow under the model’s chin. You’ll also be able to see this in her eyes.
So next time you’re checking out those insightful tips in your favorite teen magazines, study the eyes in your favorite pictures. Oh, and don’t forget to check if there’s any light shining on the model’s hair, then refer back to tip # 13.