Okay, so what does this picture . . .
. . . and this picture . . .
. . . have to do with writing?
Some photographers love the post production work done on photo editing programs such as Photoshop Elements.
Not me.
I prefer to take the time to set up the perfect shot. This involves preplanning, not to mention a heavy dose of creativity.
I don’t take the picture and hope for the best (most of the time). I spend time figuring out what I’m trying to achieve, the mood I’m going for, and how I’m going to do it. Same deal with my writing. I figure out the concept, the characters (which includes the characterizations of the major players), and the outline. I know what my character wants (goals), her motivations for going after her goals, and how these clash with the goals and motivations of the other characters in the story (conflict).
Plus my novels require extensive research, which I also do before I start typing the first draft. But that’s me, I’m a planner and proud of it.
According to Roni Louren, there are four levels of plotters/pansters. I’m the Military Precision Plotter. What about you?
Okay, so do you want to see the real craziness behind these pictures?
Yep, this is it. Nothing fancy. Just like me.
I don’t use any special photography equipment, nor do I use any special programs for planning my novels. I only use Word. What about all you planners out there? I’m curious, what do you use? Do you like it, or would you like to try something more sparkly?