Sometimes, when you take a photo, you need to seize the moment for that once in a lifetime shot. You don’t have time to make sure all those principles I’ve discussed (lighting, rule of thirds, composition, depth of field) line up prefectly. You just have to take the photo and hope for the best.

Other times, it pays to slow down and make sure everything is picture perfect before taking the shot. Rushing will only result in a less than satisfying photo, especially if you only take one picture and move on.

How does this apply to writing? It doesn’t. But if that were Donald Maass on the surfboard, you’d better have your one-line pitch ready (which you took time to create, right?) to seize the moment before the big bad shark bites you in the butt. Of course, if that shark happens to be named Janet, well, let’s hope you have a kick ass query, too. :)
(note: all these photos were taken with my point & shoot camera.)