My middle daughter is 4 and she's had a rough summer. Being the middle child, it has always been 'easier' to just help her. To put her clothes on her because we were in a hurry... or to cut up her food because it was easier that way...
See the trend? It was 'easier'!
And it didn't do her any good at all.
Well, this summer, I decided that she was going to grow up.
Bless her...
She has learned how to put all of her clothes on herself... she's learned to put her socks on herself (You have no idea how happy I am about that). She's learned not to give up! To try... try... try!
There has beena big change in her this summer. A BIG change. Her confidence has grown with each obsticle she has overcome.
I'm so proud of her.
But it's hard.
I was sitting there... watching her trying to put her sock on for the 1,000th time and it was so hard NOT to jump in there and do it for her. I wanted to help her so badly. I wanted tell her, "it's alright" and do it for her.
But I couldn't.
I sat there... I prayed for patience... and I had to get stern with her (because that's all that works for her)...
And do you know what?
She put all of her clothes by herself!
And do you know what else? She came yelling and screaming to me, "I DID IT!!!! I DID IT!!!"
All parents know it's SO hard watching our kids struggle. Sometimes I have to make myself not do it for her... But that big smile "I did it! I did it!" brings tears to my eyes.
It's taken her 4 years, but she is finally being a 'big girl'. And she's so proud of herself.
It's hard, but that smile of pride is so worth it. :)
What do you do for your kids that they *could* do themselves? In what ways do you encourage them to do things themselves?
Much love,