Every mom knows about Multi-tasking.
You have 2 hands... and 2 feet... and a mouth... so you might as well use them at the same time, right? As Mamas, that's about what we have to do to get through the day.
In the mornings when I'm feeding the baby breakfast in her highchair, I usually have the other hand either doing something with the other girls, flipping through my notebook to see what I have to do that day, eating breakfast, fixing bills, etc.
I can't just be sitting and watching TV. I have to be doing 'something' while sitting there. A lot of times I write. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I play with the girls.
The point is that most of the time.. I can't just 'task'. I can't just focus on one thing.
My husband is a good 'tasker'. He focuses on one thing. One. At a time. One.
He ponders it.
He considers it.
He looks at it from all angles.
He cuts out all background noise so he can focus on said ONE task.
And he gets it done.
And do you know what? More times than not, its actually done right.
Wanna know why? Because he actually took the time to think about it... and do it... correctly.
Well, me. The 'multi-tasker'... the eternal 'multi-tasker' (and it pains me to admit this) sometimes... well, a lot of the time, messes things up because I'm not focused on one thing. I'm doing about 4 things at a time.
And multi-tasking can be a good thing! It sure is easier to juggle 3 kids and only 2 arms when you do it. But sometimes... when the kids are in bed... and we are 'trying' to relax (I know... ), we need to (somehow) retrain our brains to relax... to chill... to focus on ONE thing if only for a few minutes.
As I write this, I have music streaming through headphones... and I'm talking on skype. And I shouldn't be. I should just be focusing on this ONE thing. I wonder what I could do if I was more like my husband. If I focused on one thing at a time. If I 'Tasked'...
Much Love,
Linked at Women Living Well Wednesday