Every Friday, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker, the Gypsy Mama, for Five Minute Friday. Lisa-Jo gives a one word prompt, you write (simple). The problem is that you only have 5 minutes (obviously-- I have an issue with adverbs I'm finding... after 4 hours of edits last night!), no backsies, and no edits. It's raw, it's from the heart... it's full of typos ;)
Today's topic is: STORY
I love to write stories. Picturing the places and mapping out the location are some of my favorite things about writing stories. Coming up with new characters and 'watching' their lives being told is fun for me. The 'imperfect' ones are my favorite to write. They have so many layers and can be used to advance the story so easily. Thinking about that reminds me about God (the author of our lives) and how he uses imperfect ones to advance His story.
A few months ago, I read the Bible in 90 days (it's a program and you can find the link in my tabs). Reading the Bible like that made me focus on it more as a connected story instead of just a few random verses thrown together. People, places, circumstances relate, intertwine, and feed off each other. If anyone thinks the Bible is boring, you should read it as a story.
Of course, the Bible is more than a story. It is a chronicle of true events and is the written word of God (so yeah, much more than a story), but did you know that the people in the Bible were just people? They weren't superheros or anything like that. The Bible is written about people just like you and me: people with stories to tell.
What is your story? Can you relate to the people whose stories are told in the Bible? They were imperfect, just like we all are, and God used them. Don't think he can't use you!

Much Love,
If you have time, please check out my other 2 blogs:
*It's Faith Fiction Friday #4 at Faith Filled Fiction. This week's picture is a beautiful waterfall. What 100 word story can you write about it?
*And Stacy's first 'Friday's with Stacy' post is up at: Encourage 365. Please head over and give her some love :)