Ah... motivation...
It comes in may forms.
It can be reading a devotional...
From seeing something on the internet that you want to try...
From seeing a recipe you want to try...
From facebook...
MINE, today, came from facebook.
I have a friend, Jodi (visit her here ), who I met when we were pregnant with our July 2010 babies. Well, to be fair, I've never actually 'met' her. Only in Cyberland, but she is just as much of a friend as anyone.
Anyway, she knows that I need my bottom kicked in gear sometimes when it comes to riding my exercise bike. I have no real reason NOT to ride it... I used to ride at least 5 to 10 miles a day. And then.. well, I stopped. Things came up. I started writing more. And my poor poor bike turned into a clothes rack...

(To be fair and non-cleaning hypocritical, you should know that I did hang those clothes up... in an actual closet).
Today's 365 was on 'helpful criticism', and Jodi wrote on my wall...
Kelly... you are a beautiful woman & I love reading your 365 & OTMA blogs. I also lovingly wish to tell you it's time to get back on that bike... you can write while you ride :)
I laughed... and I defended... and I sighed...
Because she was right.
I need to ride my bike. Not because I want to be skinny or lose weight, but because well, we DID spend some money on it lol... and 2) because it will make me healthier and feel better to know that I'm accomplishing the goal I set for myself at the beginning of the year (which has LONG since past!)
SO, therefore, I submit to you...

A photo taken from the 'past' (or it will be the past when I press 'Publish Now').. see that keyboard on the bike? Yeap... and see that page on the computer sceen? Uh-huh. This post has been typed (well, very roughly typed) while I've ridden my bike for the first time all summer. The spelling is awful (going to have to go back and fix that), and I have to go back and add pictures... BUT yea, THIS IS FOR YOU JODI!!!!!
I SOOOOOOOOOO can't task
Much Love... Happy Cleaning... and bike riding :)
BTW, OTMA has a new Facebook page *HUZZAH!* Please visit... and like here. I hope it can become a meeting place for information... AND for what's coming up in September... Thanks :)
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