I just found a group that I've needed for awhile. It's called Insecure Writer's Support Group and Founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh.You don't have to be a published writer or a full-time writers or even people writing novels. It's for anyone who is a writer and insecure (which sometimes goes hand in hand). It is supposed to be written on the first Wednesday of every month, but I missed it (well I linked yesterday's post to it, but I wanted to write an 'official' IWSG' post :))
I have a lot of insecurities in life... not just writing. Parenting comes with its share (I'm sure you parents know where I'm coming from lol)
If you haven't guessed, I've been so excited about signing my first book contract!! Writers, I think, live in a little bubble. We write our stories and hope they sell, but we tend to forget about the fact that there is a world beyond our keyboards-- a world called 'other people will read this'...
Last night, I was at my mother-in-laws house and she was so excited for my book deal. She started in on how they were going to get others to read it, she was going to read it, her son-in-laws mother was going to read it. Which is awesome! I was very excited (still am), but then it hit me (you'd think it would have hit me sooner)...
People are actually going to read this! Then the thoughts (that I probably should have had sooner) slammed my brain: * What if they don't like it...
*What if they think they wasted their money buying it...
*What if no one buys it...
*What if I end up on the best seller list (hey it could definitely happen)...
The point is that the insecurities don't stop when you have the contract in your hand. Sure, they are different but they are there none-the-less.
Personally, I love my book. I love my characters and their story. Astraea Press loved it too and were passionate about publishing it. That does help with the insecurities :).
Much Love,