Purple Prose + Review

Do You Remember... Book Update!!

You can scroll down to read my exciting news!! And don't forget to head over to Faith Filled Fiction for the story of the week: Fireworks by Kelly Martin (I know that girl... )

Back in October of last year, I wrote a blog post called:
Yes, I May Have Possibly Lost My Mind... where I told you all about my crazy plan to participate in 'Nanowrimo' (National Novel Writing Month). It's where you write a novel... in a month.

Well, I did it! I wrote the book. And that lead to this post on 11/27: An Update... where I told of my intentions of getting published (in one way or another).

I wrote about how nitpicky I was getting in December '11: Nitpicking to Death

Then in February, I had a short story of mine published called Happy Birthday... not to me! Exciting News!

In March, I didn't blog about it, but I sent my first query to an agent (on March 23rd). It was rejected. In the following months I sent over 40... they were all rejected. Here is a blog post about that: O is for Opportunity

This post from June told about how I've gotten used to rejection letters: 5 Minute Friday: Risk

So... where is all of this leading?
I am proud to announce that yesterday I signed a contract for my first book 'Crossing the Deep' (the one I started in November '11) to be published by Astraea Press!

It's been an overwhelming week (I actually had 2 offers to publish it). And I'm so happy and thankful to have the contract signed and start.
The book will be in eBook form first, then after it sells $200 it will be in paperback (so save your dollars... my mama really wants a paperback ;) )
I want to thank all of you for praying for me, for supporting me, and for being there on my good days and my low days. I want to thank God especially for showing me what to do and for being there with me.
Last night, I prayed for God to show me that I made the write decision. I opened up my bible to THIS verse: Psalm 96:3
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does
I'd say that was a yes :)
I'll update as I go through this publishing process :)
Happy 4th of July American friends (and Happy Wednesday to everyone else ;) )
Much Love,
Kelly~ Soon to be published author :)

Linked with other insecure writers HERE every 1st Wednesday of the month...

book, fiction, HAPPY, love, love story, Novel, and more:

Do You Remember... Book Update!! + Review