You can scroll down to read my exciting news!! And don't forget to head over to Faith Filled Fiction for the story of the week: Fireworks by Kelly Martin (I know that girl... )
Back in October of last year, I wrote a blog post called:
Yes, I May Have Possibly Lost My Mind... where I told you all about my crazy plan to participate in 'Nanowrimo' (National Novel Writing Month). It's where you write a novel... in a month.
Well, I did it! I wrote the book. And that lead to this post on 11/27: An Update... where I told of my intentions of getting published (in one way or another).
I wrote about how nitpicky I was getting in December '11: Nitpicking to Death
Then in February, I had a short story of mine published called Happy Birthday... not to me! Exciting News!
In March, I didn't blog about it, but I sent my first query to an agent (on March 23rd). It was rejected. In the following months I sent over 40... they were all rejected. Here is a blog post about that: O is for Opportunity
This post from June told about how I've gotten used to rejection letters: 5 Minute Friday: Risk
So... where is all of this leading?
I am proud to announce that yesterday I signed a contract for my first book 'Crossing the Deep' (the one I started in November '11) to be published by Astraea Press!
It's been an overwhelming week (I actually had 2 offers to publish it). And I'm so happy and thankful to have the contract signed and start.
The book will be in eBook form first, then after it sells $200 it will be in paperback (so save your dollars... my mama really wants a paperback ;) )
I want to thank all of you for praying for me, for supporting me, and for being there on my good days and my low days. I want to thank God especially for showing me what to do and for being there with me.
Last night, I prayed for God to show me that I made the write decision. I opened up my bible to THIS verse: Psalm 96:3
Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does
I'd say that was a yes :)
I'll update as I go through this publishing process :)
Happy 4th of July American friends (and Happy Wednesday to everyone else ;) )
Much Love,
Kelly~ Soon to be published author :)
Linked with other insecure writers HERE every 1st Wednesday of the month...