Purple Prose + TIME

The Sun, The Rain, The Weather Lady, and Proverbs

Today is my daughters' birthday.

My oldest daughter turned 6, and my youngest daughter turned 1. I wanted to do something special for them since their party isn't until Saturday. Last year, I was in labor on my oldest daughter's birthday, so, this year, I wanted something fun we could do (no, I don't consider Labor fun! Necessary, but not fun lol).

Last night, I checked the weather and the Weather lady said it was going to be hot, steamy, muggy, humid, no clouds, barely any rain. I thought, "That's AWESOME! I can give them a great birthday!" (kinda bragging a bit to myself about what *I* could give them)

So, I decided that we'd all load up (the "baby", the 4 year old, the newly turned '6', me, and my mother too) and head to the city so we could have a nice celebration for their birthday. I told them we were going to have a big day. That it was going to be fun (bragging in a sense of all the fun *I* was going to bring them by going on this trip). I'd checked the weather... it was going to be a BEAUTIFUL Day.

Well... we piled in. We rode (stopping once for a potty break). We shopped. We had fun. We never looked at the sky.. nor did we notice the ominous looking clouds rolling it (since the day before, the weather lady said it wasn't going to rain... It wasn't going to rain!)

I, however, didn't take into consideration Proverbs 27:1--

Don’t brag about tomorrow,since you don’t know what the day will bring.


Can anyone see the foreshadowing in this tale?

We were in the party decorations store, and heard it...

Big, heavy, claps of thunder. Not just claps. Long, ominous rolls of thunder. Extended rolls that you hear in the summer months.

We paid for our stuff and headed to the car... in time to see the lightening start.

Yeap, our "Hot, Humid, Muggy" day with NO RAIN turned into a big BIG downpour. And when I say BIG, I mean Have-to-pull-over-because-you-can't-see-the-road BIG.

Don’t brag about tomorrow,since you don’t know what the day will bring.

Truth be told, I don't like driving in the rain. When I was in college, I'd turn down dates if it was going to rain because I didn't want to drive in it. Hydroplaning wasn't my friend! I was scared to death (PUN INTENDED) of it.

Still am actually.

And to have to drive in the rain with not only myself, but my Mama and 3 small kids in the car... well... lets just say there were lots of silent prayers going up.

Needless to say, we made it home safe and sound. It rained heavy buckets on it for the better part of the 35 minute drive home (which of course took longer today). All the while, I just kept thinking about that Weather Lady. I know they can make mistakes. Predicting the weather is, in effect, predicting the future.. and only God knows the future.

And GOD knew it was going to rain. I wasn't the smartest person ever for not realizing that, HEY, the Weather Lady could be WRONG!

Don’t brag about tomorrow,since you don’t know what the day will bring.

We did end up having a great day. It didn't go much like I planned. I was going to take them out to eat (didn't happen). I was going to take them shopping for a toy (They found some for $2.00 at the party decorations shop that they wanted more). I was going to spend quality time bonding out of the house (They wanted to come home and play with their toys).

What *I* wanted didn't mean squat... But what I GOT was just right.

We had a really great day!

As for the Weather Woman... well, she WAS right. It DIDN'T rain in the city she was in...

Much love, Kelly

(linked with: Women Living Well Wednesday, Encourging Words Wednesday)

FUN, love, and more:

The Sun, The Rain, The Weather Lady, and Proverbs + TIME