Purple Prose + TIME

The Runt of the Litter
Beholding Glory

I can't think of one single way to open this.. and I've tried. So we are just going to jump right into this.. head first.


There is a difference in KNOWING God and SERVING God. Even the Devil 'knows' God. He's been to Heaven. He has seen God face to face. He knows every word, passage, cross referrence, and punctuation of the Bible. He believes in God. He KNOWS God... but does he serve him? Nope (God can use him, but in the sense we are talking about, no.. Of course, The Devil doesn't serve God).

How do you serve God?

Is there something God has told you to do... that you haven't done yet? Is there something God has told *me* to do... that I haven't done yet?

No matter what... no matter how we SERVE God... he has these words for us. He spoke them to Moses when Moses was like, "God! I can't speak well! I can't get Pharaoh to listen to me. How am I going to lead an entire nation!?" (Paraphrasing of course).

And he spoke them again to Gideon in Judges 6:14-16
Then the Lord turned to him and said, "Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!"

(Note: Can you IMAGINE Gideon's face? I'm sure it went pale as a ghost. Probably had sweat beads rolling down his forehead... because he said..)

" But Lord," Gideon replied. "how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least of my family."

(Note: He was the runt of the RUNTs. The tiny of the tiny. I'm sure he thought, "You're nuts, God! *I* can't do THAT!")

The Lord said to him, "I will be with you . And you will destroy the Midianites as you were fighting against one man."

I will be with you.
A simple promise that means so much. My 'brag' is that no matter what God tells us to do to serve him (be it a blog, singing, preaching, speaking, missionary work, whatever) he promises that HE will be with us.
Even the runts of the litter.
Much Love,

FUN, love, and more:

The Runt of the Litter + TIME