Purple Prose + TIME

Quest #9: The.End

Wow... just... wow.

I can't believe that it's actually been 9 weeks, and the Summer Cleaning Quests are coming to an end.

I guess before I get to #9, I should talk about Quest #8 first: Maintenance.

This was a good week for me to do maintenance since the girls' birthday party was today (Saturday) so I spent the better part of the day cleaning. "Maintenance" if you will. It went really well. I was happy with the results and I (as the writer of a blog that is partly about cleaning) wasn't embarrassed.. so that's good.

Of course, all of you who have had parties at your house know... you spend all day cleaning, and then at the end of the day, you have a dirty house lol. But totally worth it. It was a really great day and we had a great time!!!! The baby was very excited about her cupcake lol.

NOW, on the our last quest of the summer...

Our LAST Quest is... cleaning out your car.

My car needs it.


The hubs cleaned it out before we went on vacation in May, but we (well I) have managed to dirty it up again. The car is easy to forget. We don't really think about unless we are in it... and then we don't have time to clean it up.

So, as our last quest of the summer... lets clean up our cars. So they will be clean, spotless, and ready for school to start (if your school starts this early).

Good luck and HAPPY CLEANING!!!!

Much love,


FUN, HAPPY, love, and more:

Quest #9: The.End + TIME