Purple Prose + TIME

Bible in 90 days... Day 1

Now, don't worry. I'm not going to do a post every day for 90 days about this, but I am going to do one every Sunday to show progress and to be my accountability (You all know how much I need accountability!).

The Bible in 90 Days program (http://www.momstoolbox.com/) is a program where you read the Bible.. in 90 days. It's that simple... and that complex.

The good part is that its fast paced. You can't stop. You can't study your footnotes. You just read. It was actually pretty fun reading today. My Bible has all sorts of new marks in it from things I found interesting. Another good thing about having to go so fast is that you can't linger on one passage forever. You have to go. You mark what you think is interesting so you can study it later and you go on... almost like how you read a regular, everyday novel... only THIS novel can change your life... and can bring you close to God. And the fast pace doesn't take away from what you are reading... I'm not lying when I said that I have new marks all over my book from things I want to learn more about later on.

I found some things really interesting:

1. In Genesis 3:6-- it said, "Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate too...
*So, does that mean Adam was with her the entire time the serpent was tempting her? If so, why didn't he stop her? OR did he walk up too late? Would he had of stopped her if he had been there in time? Lots of questions there that I never thought of before.

2. Genesis 4:6-- (God is talking to Cain... warning him about his jealousy of his brother) Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.
*For some reason, that particular part caught my eye. God was trying to help Cain. He warned him what was going to happen, and Cain ignored him.

3. And then the stories of Abram and Sarai (Abraham and Sarah) shows that God uses IMPERFECT people to do INCREDIBLE things.

I have lots more things marked, but I'll stop there.

I have to say, I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow's reading. It's very neat to see all of the new things you find when reading :) There are some things that I have thought in the past were in the Bible that AREN'T. I was shocked when I found some of them out (that will be another post). I don't want to be shocked again. I'd love to know ever detail of this book... but I know I won't lol. For now, I'll just settle with reading it cover to cover.

Here is this week's schedule. Please, join in if you like :)

Day 1: Genesis 1:1- Gen. 16:16
Day 2: Gen 17:1 - Gen. 28:19
Day 3: Gen 28:20 - Gen 40:11
Day 4: Gen 40:12 - Gen 50:26
Day 5: Exodus 1:1 - Ex 15:18
Day 6: Ex 15:19 - Ex 28: 43
Day 7: Ex 29:1 - Ex. 40:38
Day 8: Leviticus 1:1 - Le 14:32

Much Love, :)


book, FUN, love, Novel, and more:

Bible in 90 days... Day 1 + TIME