I've not posted anything here in a week. I'm sorry about that! I give you good news, then I disappear.
Well, I've been busy. Pre-edits took me a lot longer than I thought they would. I wanted to have them done yesterday (they were due today), and got them sent at 11:58 pm (HUZZAH!)
What took so long?
Well, other than having three kids who expect to be, ya know, fed and cared for every few hours (how dare they ;)), I had to fight my inner editor.
First... I took most of the adverbs out.
Then... I put some back in.
After that... I tried to make sure the sentences in each paragraph didn't start with the same letter.
Finally... I left a few because I thought it flowed better.
Before I hit send to sent it to my publisher, I had to laugh at myself... these are the PRE-edits... imagine how uptight I'll be with my line/content edits (oh my!)
Here is a question for you writers out there: How does your significant other deal with the hours you put into writing?

My husband, bless him (I'm southern, we can say anything we want after we've 'blessed' you... ), tries. He wants to be supportive and give me my space....but, he misses me (let's just all awwwwww about that now lol). I've been working till about 12:30 or 1 every night then getting up between 6-8 with the girls. When the girls go to bed at 8, I hit the laptop (and force him to be quiet... but to be fair we DO have another TV in the bedroom, but he chooses to watch it in the living room.)
So, he tries... but I know he'll be happy when he gets some attention again.
How do you balance deadlines and family? My kids are better about it than he is lol. He misses his little wifey. (Ok, yeah, and clean underwear ;) )
Much Love,