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The book tour rolls on :)
Today, I'm at Imitation by Design (which I think is one of the coolest names for a blog ever. Do you know where it came from?)
I'm talking about why I write Young Adult Christian Fiction and why I see a need for more of it.
Imitation by Design
I’m going to preface this by saying I love a good vampire book as much as the next red-blooded girl. I enjoy monster book. I will even entertain a book about angels (and not the typical ones from Heaven). So don’t think I’m bashing those types of books because I’m not.
But (oh yeah, there’s a but…) I do believe there has to be a balance in the world between those types of books for young adults and Christian books.
At my local Lifeway Christian Bookstore, there is a grand total of two bookshelves dedicated to young adult fiction. And not two full rows either, two partial rows with maybe twenty different books to choose from. Folks, that’s not many. CLICK TO READ MORE...
P.S. If you've bought CROSSING THE DEEP, would you consider leaving a review on amazon, goodreads, or barnes and noble? Good, bad, or ugly. This book has been just mine for almost a year. I'd love to see what others think.