Purple Prose + Review

"WiL?" Bible Study Week 11

"What is Love?" Bible Study

Week 11

A Know-It-All

Verse for the week:
1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see things imperfectly as a child. Puzzling reflections in the mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely.
There are different times in our lives when we "know it all."
*In grade school when we decide we really don't need homework any more because we have learned everything we need.
*All (or at least most) teenagers think they have all the answers.
*Then comes the 20s when we shake at our heads at our teenage selves because 'now' we do know it all... and we also scoff at parents (before we have kids) because we know all about how to parent.
*Then we have our own kids and realize that we knew nothing... but now we do... (but not really)
It's a vicous, vicous cycle...
It's funny to go back and think of all the times we "knew it all"-- and horrifying to think that we really don't know as much as we think.
The same is true with our spiritual lives. There are different times when we think we have God (or at least our faith) all figured out.
But boy, do we ever find out quickly that we don't know or understand as much as we think we did.
We know in part. God knows completely.
We won't know everything until we get to Heaven.
Notebook Question: Name a time when you thought you knew everything about something, but learned you were so, so, so wrong. How did you handle it?
So... you are wondering what any of this has to do with love (seeing as that is what this study is over).
Wel... just like life-- and God-- we think we understand love completely-- but just like life (and God) we only understand part of it. A tiny morsel.
I will admit that I love my hsuband more now than I did when we got married. I 'thought' I loved him completely then, but its a different love now-- a more mature love. Love changes over time, as we understand more and live more.
Someday we will understand all of the mysteries of the earth. "The glass darkly" will become bright and clear. When we get to Heaven, we will understand.
The puzzle will be put together finally.
There are some questions I'd love to have the answer too... some funny, some serious.
God already understands us completely. Back to my husband, I love him, but he does some things that I don't understand... as I know I do some things he doesn't understand. But God know why we do what we do. He knows why our spouses do what that do. We can't hide anything from him.
One day, we will understand everything and everyone too. We will accept each other as spiritually unique, and we will rejoice in it.
Let's practice that now. Let's treat others with the same love and devotion that we will in Heaven one day.
Our Verses for Next Week (our last ones!)
Tuesday~ Galatians 5:5-6
Wednesday~ 2 Thessalonians 1:11
Thursday~ 1 Thessalonians 1:3
Friday~ 1 John 4:16
Saturday~ 1 Corinthians 13:13
Sunday~ Review
Next week will be the last post of this series. I'm kinda sad to see it over, but am excited about what is to come. :)
Much Love, Kelly

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"WiL?" Bible Study Week 11 + Review