Purple Prose + Review

So... What's Up with the Book?

Because I know you all have lost sleep over it... ;)

I sent out my first 2 query letters yesterday (A query letter is a letter where you summarize your book in 1 page or 250 words and try to get an agent to represent it).

I'm actually pretty calm about it. I mean, I'm nervous, because it's new and different. I'm excited because it's new and different.

But I'm also realistic. This book my never get an agent and even if it does, it may never be published. I know that so I'm trying not to stress (though its taken many hours of work).

As of right now, it's called CROSSING THE DEEP.

It is a YA novel in the Christian genre.

I'd take prayers (both for the book... and my sanity ;)), well wishes, pats on the head (when/if it gets rejected), words of wisdom, comments, "Are you crazy?"s, you know... any thoughts you might have.

At least one person thinks it's good-- my sister, Kathy, has read every verson (or parts of every version). She's not biased at all ;)

Much Love,


book, love, Novel, and more:

So... What's Up with the Book? + Review