Today's letter in the A-Z Challenge is..
F is for Friday (Good) (ok, again with the stretching... )
There were a lot of words I thought about using for F: Family, Fiction, Friend, etc. But I thought it was fitting to use Friday (Good)--
As in, Good Friday-- the day Jesus was put to death for a crime he didn't commit so we could be saved.
A lot of people look over Good Friday-- For a lot, it's just a day off of work (I'm off, but I'm on Spring Break... ).
Good Friday is much more than that. It is the day that the Sanhedrian pushed Jesus through the court system; the day they talked Pilat into crucifying him, the day they hung him on the cross (so he would die before Passover); the day Jesus cared so much about his mother he asked John to take care of her; the day God couldn't look as his boy died; the day Jesus' work as a human was complete; the day he died for all of our sins.
There are lots of reasons to sit and reflect on today. While you do, take time to thank Jesus for what he did for you-- No one forced him. Like he told Pilate, if he wanted, he could have a host of Heaven's armies get him.
But he loved us to much that he did.
Much Love,
Linked with: a to z challenge and Faith Filled Friday