Ok, first of all, thanks so much for the replies to the last post. :) I'm actually really excited to blog about household things (My poor great Aunt, Lady, would roll over in her grave if she heard me say that lol... she used to laugh that I didn't do 'work'... anyway... I hope I'm making her proud)
So, basically, I got up 15 minutes early today to do task 1 on my list: Read my Bible. I'm such a Bible reading slacker so I wanted to do that first. I read. I wrote. I prayed. I was off for the day...
Then I did my normal morning routine, but instead of having to remember everything and worrying about forgetting something ("Did Katie need something?" "Did I remember to brush teeth?" etc.) I just had my notebook open on the table and when I went by I scanned and checked off. It made the morning go by so much easier. I wasn't frazzled. I KNEW what had to be done and we did it. The girls were happier. I was happier. Score ONE for the Home Making Binder (HUZZAH!). I put my load of clothes in the washing machine and headed on my way.
Dropped the littles at Nana's and took K to school with me. We did our daily things. When 3 o'clock got here, I was SOOOOOOOOOO tired and SOOOOOOO not wanting to deal with my "What the heck was I thinking?" Binder. I might have been cursing myself around that time *whistles innocently*
Got my little ladies and came home to "THE NOTEBOOK" (dun dun dun). So, I sucked it up and opened it... I had forgotten, but the quote I chose for today was 'Never Give Up"... so I sucked it up some more and started supper... which was SUPER easy...
Wanna know why?
Because last night I had planned ahead and cooked my hamburger meat and placed it in the refrigerator. Plus I had bought some Bob Evans Microwaveable Mac and cheese and Potatoes with a coupon so I was ready to go. I warmed my mac and cheese. Added it to my re-heating hamburger meat and added a can of Rotel (my family LOVES THIS!!!!). I heated up my potatoes and opened a can of green beans and I was finished. Total time today 20 minutes!. Score TWO for the Binder!!!
Got everyone fed. Followed my list to wash dishes, clean table and high chair. Then I gave my kids a bath and folded a load of laundry...
And it was just 5:30!
Now, this is the point in this where I should tell you that my evenings don't normally go this smoothly. I'm usually overwhelmed (I deleted the overwhelmed post, but I have felt that way for a while). I'm usually just trying to doggy paddle with my head above water trying my best to do whats best for my kids... get what they need... tidy the house... run this way... run that way... AHHHHHHHHHHHH! And by the time the last kid usually goes to bed at 7, I'm usually so run done... and nothing looks like it's been accomplished.
So, at 5:30, I looked around. I had 3 happy kids. I had a semi-clean kitchen (I DO still have a family so perfection is NOT a goal). And I had... time.
Yes, actual... time. Not time for me to get on the computer. Not time to be scurrying around...
Because I was almost finished with my list.
The 2nd load of clothes were washing.
The kids had been bathed.
The kitchen had been cleaned.
I was almost finished with my list.
So... do you know what I did?
I sat down...
... and looked at a magazine.
I mean, I had gone from having no time to even just sit down... to having time to sit and look at a magazine. Actually, it was one of those *All You* magazines from Walmart and the oldests were helping me clip coupons (their new favorite thing to do with Mama).
The baby got a bottle at 6 and went to sleep.
Right before my oldest 2 kids went to bed, we did a 5 minute clean. They loved it! My middle child asked if we could do it again tomorrow lol.
The oldest 2 went to bed at 7.
I looked at my list and folded the second load of clothes and made a gift basket for school tomorrow. I have tomorrow's meal planned for tomorrow... and I'm finished.
And it was only 7:15!
I know this is only the 'official' day 1, but I never EVER thought I'd have MORE time while DOING more. I have a semi-clean house. I have 3 happy kids... and I'm able to relax and not think about tomorrow or how cluttered my house is... or if I need to wash some clothes.
If every day with the binder is as good as today, it will be well worth it.
Lets just hope the other shoe doesn't drop...
Is anyone else doing this with me? How were your experiences?
Much love,
A newly energized (but still very tired) Kelly (who still can't wait for her printer... )