Today starts a series where different authors share how they find time to write. Some are mothers, some are wives, some have jobs outside of writing-- so I was curious, how do they find the time to write? Enjoy. ~Kelly
Making the Time by J.F. Jenkins (author of LEGEND OF THE FORBIDDEN-- And, oh about a dozen more books! :))
A lot of people ask me: how do you write, be a mom, a wife, and work a part time job? They call me super woman, but I can promise you it is not a super power.
You want to know my secret? I make the time. It sounds simple, but it's far from the truth. I stop making excuses, schedule my writing time like it's another job, and work my kid, my part time job, my wifely duties, around that writing schedule.
Some days are more successful than others. And of course there is always the person who looks at me like I'm crazy because I write even when I don't have inspiration. To me, if I don't make it happen, I'll find reasons why I shouldn't be doing it. My muse is just as good at procrastinating as I am. I need to work him hard and keep him in a job. He'll groan at me a lot, but in the end, it's good for the both of us.

I have a to do list. It's gratifying checking things off of that list on my piece of paper. I get a reward too when I check everything off my list.
All of this can be applied to any kind of passion. In the end, if we don't make our lives happen, we'll just watch it drift by in a blur.
Check out LEGEND OF THE FORBIDDEN along with the rest of J.F's books at her Amazon author page:
J.F. Jenkins Bio: J.F. Jenkins lives in Minneapolis Minnesota with her husband, son, and two cats. She graduated from Bethel University in 2006 with a degree in Media Communication with minors in both writing and film. When she is not busy writing, she spends her free time playing games, reading, and spending time with her family.