Today's letter in the A to Z Challenge is...
O is for Opportunity.
I have some query letters out right now for the book (which I don't know if it will ever see the time of day-- if God wants it too it will... ). I've written some for publication and contests..
But do you know what's missing?
Writing for fun :)
Sometimes when we get so focused on something, we forget that we started it for fun (like blogging-- and having kids... ).
SO, I've decided to bring the fun back-- and I want you to be a part of it. This Friday, I'm starting Faith Fiction Friday.
Don't freak out on me--
If you have a blog, you are a writer of some sort, so this should be easy, and freeing.
The idea is for me to post a picture on Friday. Your job (and mine) is to write a 100 word fiction OR non-fiction story based on the picture. Post the story in comments (and leave your blog address if you have one so others can visit you). It's that easy.
Does it have to be exactly 100 words? Heck no. It needs to be 'around' 100 words, but you won't get deleted if you go over.
This is just something to be fun-- not to stress over-- to let your creativity soar.
I'll put the post up Thursday night along with the picture so you can have a chance to work on your story.
I'm so excited about this, guys! I hope and pray you are too!
Much Love,
Linked with: Oh Your Heart Tuesday Winsome Wednesday, and Women Living Well Wednesday