Purple Prose + TIME


So, I have a confession...

It's a pretty big confession...

One that will tear the fabric of the space/time continuum (who knew that had 2 U's in it???)



I have...





So, basically I had this thought, this 'want' to do a blog for daily, scriptural encouragement for while. Well, actually, I wanted to do it HERE on THIS one, but decided it would get too crowded. So I made a second blog. Its this blogs sister. It won't take away from this one. We will still have cleaning/quests/product reviews/and yeah, even some Bible stuff on here because I can't NOT do it!

However, I wanted a blog for daily encourgement (both for you and for me... I'm selfish that way ;)) that would stand on it's own.

You can find it at http://365daysofbiblicalencouragement.blogspot.com/

YES I know that title is WAY long... I tried to shorten it, but nothing worked.

This is where I need your help, Friends.

I have no followers (obviously), and it would really mean a lot to me for you to follow that one too. It will get all lonely if it doesn't have any followers lol. Two Kelly's for the price of one (and who said the economy was bad???)

Check it out! I hope you follow and get your daily encouragement from the Bible. :) It would mean a lot to me.

Much love,


FUN, hope, love, space, and more:

Introducing... + TIME