I'm truly amazed and excited about the great response 'Faith Fiction Friday'! I LOVE reading all of your stories. It's cool to me how people can get different stories by looking at the same picture.
So, here again is your time to shine :)
If you don't know what Faith Fiction Friday is:
1. I will post a picture.
2. You will get inspired by the picture and write a 100 word (give or take) story (either religious fiction/non-fiction OR devotional).
3. You will post your story in the comments section of this blog below.
4. You can post your blog on the link-up after you've added a story to comments.
5. Somewhere on your blog, put the Faith-fiction Friday button (feel free to shrink it if you want).
6. Since this is new, I'm asking, begging, pleading, kissing your feet, to please spread the word about this. I'd love for this to be a great place for people to read and write Christian fiction (believe me, there aren't many places on the internet that have it).
7. Please consider reading the other stories and commenting on them. Everyone needs encouragement :)
(Linked with: Faith Filled Friday )
So, that's it. Are you ready?
Here is this week's photo prompt:

Image(s): FreeDigitalPhotos.net