This week, I’m continuing with the topic of composition. For the first four points, visit Part 1.
Frame Your Subject

I’m referring to the use of body parts, doorways, trees, windows, landscape, anything that brings attention to the subject.
The frame can either be in focus or blurred. It can take up most of the picture, or it can exist in the periphery. The goal is to emphasis your friend, not the framing device, so make sure it doesn’t overwhelm her.
Be creative, and always be on the lookout for new possibilities.

Repetition is another way to emphasize your subject. In the this picture, the three teens are considered the repetition. But in this case, the break in repetition with the girl in the middle also draws our attention her—as does her eye contact with the camera. Did you notice the other technique used? Think about last week’s lesson.

The picture of the shells is another form of repetition. It adds texture to the picture.
Lead the Eye

Stand at the end of your street and look down it. Or even try this experiment by standing on train tracks, just make sure no trains are coming.
What do you notice? The street (or tracks) looks narrower in the distance compared to where you’re standing. This effect is known as converging lines, and is especially noticeable in photographs.
In photos, converging lines act like an arrow, leading the eye to the subject. Another great way to add emphasis to your pictures.