For the first week of "Countdown to Crossing... ", I wanted to talk about character names.
Do you find character names hard to come up with?
Usually... USUALLY I don't. I try to think of the character's personality, look, style, geological location (which for me is usually southern), etc. when I think of a name. And normally, I like to have at least one character have a biblical name. It's just my cup of tea.
For CROSSING THE DEEP, I had a bit of a problem...
naming my characters.
My leading guy is named Asher Jenkins. I love his name. Truthfully, if I had a son, I'd name him Asher (well, if my husband went for it... ). Asher is, of course, a tribe of Israel (which is mentioned in the book actually). And I thought the name 'fit' him.
Asher is a seventeen year old skeptic who only goes on the camping trip in the Smokies to get away from home for the weekend. His home life isn't the best in the world (to put it mildly), but he is extremely loyal. I do believe Asher suits him. So far, it's my favorite character name of anything I've written.
*My leading girl is named Rachel Harker. Now, this name took FOREVER to come up with (my sister probably laughed as she readed that line lol). Rachel's original name was Ruth. Through the entire first draft she was Ruth. Somewhere along the way, she became Rebecca.
In one way or another, her names have ranged from:
Catherine Bethany Hannah Kate Plus more that I can't remember right off hand.
The point is, Miss Harker had an identity crisis.
Finally... FINALLY I prayed about it and Rachel stuck and I do believe it suits her.
Rachel is a sixteen year old church member who goes on the hike mainly because her mom *forces* her too. Two years ago, something tragic happened at home and caused Rachel to withdraw from the world. Her mom thought the trip would be a way to heal the wound of the past... she had no idea that those wounds would be the least of her worries!
*Other characters in the story practically named themselves: Sidney (Sid) Andrews-- Asher's best friend, ex of... Carly Jones-- Rachel's best friend David Andrews-- Sid's brother/youth pastor/leader of the hiking trip
And of course, we meet many other characters. I'm so excited for you all to be able to read this book! The feedback I've gotten so far from people who have read it has been amazing. One said it was a very emotional read (very glad to hear that :) ). 10 more weeks! ~Kelly