Purple Prose + Novel

Shameless Plugging

I've never been one to plug (you couldn't see this blog page and notice that, could you? ;) ). But I thought I'd mention other ways to get in contact with me besides on this blog.

Goodreads: Kelly Martin

Email: ohthatmomagain At Yahoo Dot Com

And Facebook: Kelly Martin, Author

**Now the Facebook thing is special. I'm sitting at 127 'likes' right now. I *really* would love 200 'likes' before CROSSING THE DEEP comes out in October. Sooooo... if I reach that magic number by Oct. 9th, I'll give away a free ebook copy of the book to one of the 200 people who have liked the page.
Nothing is better than free :)
Thanks for all of your support :)

book, Inspiration, love, and more:

Shameless Plugging + Novel