Purple Prose + tour

Sorry it's been a while

I haven't posted in a few days because I'm waiting for something... something that I'm sure I can share with you guys very soon!

Also, I'm working on a book blog tour schedule :) I have FIFTEEN blog stops!!! (eek!!!), so on top of that, editing my next book (squee) and oh yeah, having a family and a full-time out of the house job, yeah... I'm earning my gray hairs ;)

But I'm LOVING it!!! I love to write. I love to tell stories. And I love being a Christian/Young Adult writer. It makes me think about God in different ways and keeps Him in my mind (because we can lose focus sometimes... believe me, I know lol)

SO, hopefully in the next day or two I can share the AWESOME book cover!!! And I definitely will post a blog tour date calendar :)

CROSSING THE DEEP comes out in 1 1 days! Less than 2 weeks!!! It's madness :) So exciting!!


book, hope, Inspiration, love, Novel, and more:

Sorry it's been a while + tour