Lots of times, when people see "The War" you think of the War in Iraq or maybe World War II.
If you hang out in the mommy board/blog sphere long, "The War" tends to take on the meaning of "Mommy Wars."
If you are unfamiliar with "Mommy Wars" basically its when 2 sides (of extremely 'right' women) voice their opinion (sometimes nicely... sometimes not so nicely) on different subjects. The most common are: Formula Feeding vs Breastfeeding, Homeschool vs Public School, Circumcision vs Non, etc. Actually, the topics can be endless.
But the 'debate' I wanted to talk about today is: Stay at Home Moms vs Working Moms.
Dun... Dun... Dun...
I'm going to tell you this right now-- I'm not bashing anyone and I WILL NOT bash anyone. Your life is your life. You do what you feel is best :) I think that all moms have hard days and good days, and I think we all do what we can do live life the best we can.
I'm not going to talk about SAHM much because I don't know anything about it. I know that there are awesome SAHMs out there :) My mama was one. *I* always wanted to be one-- unfortunately fate didn't lean my way there.
Maybe that's why this 'war' is one that irks me the most.
SO, I thought that maybe the working mama's should have a post on their side for a change :)
I am praying that this doesn't come off as snippy, because I really don't want it to be. I just want to speak from my heart and maybe let you see where I'm coming from.
One thing that really hurts me in the SAHM vs WOHM thing is the use of scripture. I love God. I want to do everything I can for Him, but I also must work. We are actually looking at maybe me staying home, but I have to say, it might just be a pipe dream. However, Lots of times, I see blogs that quote scripture in the 'Women need to stay at home' vein.
And I get that-- I do.
However, I know some that really want to be a Proverbs 31 woman-- and in those verses 16-18: "She goes to inspect a field and buys it; with her earnings she plants a vineyard. She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. she makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night"
Basically, she works.
And in the 24th verse: "She makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants."
So basically... she works.
My study bible says "An excellent wife is engaged in commercial enterprises outside of her home."
NOW, don't get me wrong. I KNOW for a fact that SAHMs work. My mother was a very hard worker and I don't want anyone to think I mean otherwise. I'm just saying that even the Proverbs woman was industrious. That she "worked" and outside the home.
My point to this is not to make SAHMs feel bad, but to point out that, imo, you can't base the debate on scripture because even Proverbs says it's ok for a woman to work outside the home.
In a 'perfect' world, I'd stay home-- but right now, I can't. There are lots of people in my situation.
*IF* you are a SAHM who believes its the only way (and I know for a fact that not all of you do)-- then I have a question for you: What do you think of the working mom nurse who gives your baby shots when you are sick?
What about the working mom teacher who teaches your child at school?
What about the working Mama doctor who delivers your baby?
What about the working mom waitress who serves you your food?
The world takes ALL kinds.
I know I'm adding fuel to this fire, and I really don't mean too. I just wanted to share my thoughts on how it feels to be a working mama in a 'cyber' world (especially among mom-blogs) where it's not the most accepted thing.
Personally, I don't care how you raise your baby. If you work or not... if you stay at home or not... I believe the only think that is important is that you love them... care for them... and protect them with all of your heart.
I believe (and sincerely hope) that is one thing ALL Mama's can agree on :)
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this-- the good, the bad, and the ugly (only don't make the ugly too ugly-- I don't want to cry lol) Much love, Kelly
Linked with: Women Living Well Wednesday