I have not blogged the entire month of February...
It's true. I've been up to my gullet in edits, writing, blog posts (for other blogs), blog posts for encourage365 (remember when I said I was going to do the Bible in 365 days? Still doin' it... ), and I've been being a mommy, of course (Oh, I have a 2 year old story to tell you... I'll try to post it later this week. It's embarrassing as all good 2 year old stories are..).
I have 27,000 words finished on book number four (that's CRAZY!).
I wanted to let you know 2 things that were coming up on this blog...
Starting next week, I'm hosting authors on this blog who are going to tell you how they got published. Honestly, I LOVE reading those types of stories, and I'm excited to have them here. We have Liz Botts, C.S. Moore, W.B. Kinnette, Joselyn Vaughn, Brenda Maxfield, Sherry Gloag, J.F. Jenkins, etc. SO excited to have them here! Those will start the week of the 18th...
It all leads up to a big HUGE announcement on Feb. 28th! (CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE IT WITH YOU GUYS!!!!)