Purple Prose + Review

B90~ Check-in Week 13

Here is it...

The light at the end of the tunnel...
On January 30th, we started this B90 Challenge. Some have fell behind, some have stopped, and some have finished.
But we ALL have read God's word.
And we all have benefited from it.
This is the last week for readings! I'll have one more B90 post next week (probably with some tears on my part).
When you finish, either post here, the facebook page, or send me an email at ohthatmomagain(at) yahoo (dot) com.
Alright folks, here is your white flag... one more lap to go. You can do it!!
day 85 (Monday): Hebrew 1:1 to Jas 3:12 day 86 (Tuesday): Jas 3:13 to 3 Jn 14 day 87 (Wednesday): Jude 1 to Rev. 17:18 day 88: (Thursday): Rev. 18:1 to Rev. 22:21 day 89: (Friday) either catch up... or rest. day 90: (Saturday) CELEBRATE! COME TO THE BLOG and PARTY!
I'm so proud of all of you... ALL OF YOU! You have all made this B90 experience a great one! (more tears and blubbering from me next Saturday-- day 90)
Much love,

book, love, and more:

B90~ Check-in Week 13 + Review