I've had some requests (ok, that makes it sound like more people read this than there is lol... )... Um... I've had one or two requests to post the sites where I get my inspirations, ideas, printouts, etc for my homemaking notebook/binder (I'm not sure what I'm calling it yet... Any ideas on a good name for the 'ole girl'?).
First of all, there are LOTS of good websites if you are interested in this stuff... I, however, haven't had time to look and search for many of them. So here are my favorites of the ones I have looked at. If you know of any more, please send me a link in the comments:
*I found one that I absolutely adore.
~It has lots very good printables on everything from daily to do lists, weekly to do lists, to meal planning And the best part is that you can customize the sheets right on the site before you print them! So far, I haven't seen a downside to this site.
~Here is a link to the youtube video explaining her sheets and such. It's actually one of the first videos I saw that talked about the homemaking binders. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEGCT6dgDb4 If you are interested in this topic at all, please click on both the video and the moneysavingmom link. Both are very VERY helpful and informative.
*Another site I found was: http://clutterbug.me/
~This site is a bit more, I hate to say 'professional' because that's not exactly the word I'm looking for, but more... busy I guess. It has more graphics and a few more recources than moneysavingmoms. There is a part where you pick which bug you are (get the title 'clutterbug' GENIOUS! :)) and it tells you how to organize your house based on your 'bug' personality. That was pretty cool and pretty accurate for me. I'm, apparently, a butterfly. I have to have everything out in the open for me to see or I will forget it. That's why I have more things on my island than INSIDE my island. I can't even tell you what is in there. Same for my cabinets. Most of my cereals, chips, etc are on my kitchen counters because, like I said, I'm totally a butterfly. I have to SEE it... which, is kinda a bad habit to have if you want to "clean"/ "Uncluttered" house because that by design is CLUTTER! SO, the site gives some tips on how to deal with your specific bug.
(I think I'm going to save my 'How to stop being a Butterfly' thoughts for another post)...
~Anyway, the owner of the site also does daily 'Organizing Tip of the Day' videos on youtube. I love them! She is bubbly, upbeat, exciting to watch, full of great information... but the downfall is... well the downfall is... my next point...
~The downfall of this site is that, though VERY informative and VERY well put together, I found the woman "Too Perfect". I mean, she runs a daycare, has 2 small kids, lives in a 900 sq. ft. house and it is spotless! She deserves a metal... seriously. I admire her and loathe her all at the same time ;)... no, 'loathe' is a harsh word, but she is a very organized person and that can be daunting sometimes to see when first starting out. She's very nice and very fun to watch, though, and her website has lots of good printables.
*The last site is http://www.flylady.com/
~Ok, so a few years ago, I heard of 'flylady' and I didn't know what it was... I still am not quite sure lol. It seems like a lovely place, and I was gung ho about it, but when she started saying "Don't get overwhelmed." well, I got overwhelmed... The benefits of the site is that it goes slow. A nice snails pace to get you worked up to the 'big events', however, I found it too slow actually. I'm a do-er. If I decide I want to do something, I want to do it THEN, learn all I can about it THEN, not shine my sink and then be done with it. Again, I totally understand why you do it and I still read it every day, but while I still recommend it, it's not my favorite of the three.
So, there you have it. My 3 top homemaking/organization websites. I'd love to find some more just to keep going with this and learning everything I can. I actually cleaned the top of my hutch tonight! I mean, REALLY!?! I don't just clean on a whim... but I did :) :) (HAPPY FACE!).
If you have any questions, please let me know. I really want to get a few pages of my own homemaking notebook posted (although, to be fair, they are print outs of http://www.moneysavingmoms.com/ so just go there and you can have your own lol).
Hope this helps!
PS, I'm not a homeschooler, but I watched this video while looking for notebook ideas and I thought she had a really pretty one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eQg0AY5eyE Plus her voice! Oh man, she should read children's books. SO Soothing!