Purple Prose + Review

U-- Unexpected

Today's letter in the a to z challenge at www.a-to-zchallenge.com is...

U is for Unexpected.
Life is never dull... not really. Lots of unexpected things happen every day.
I didn't expect my husband to make tracks through the house with cornstarch on his feet...
I didn't expect my 5 year old (while rubbing my head) to explain all about skulls and why we have them.
I didn't expect water to get knocked off of the table tonight and flow right on my oldest, causing yelling, and yelping (from her... not me... )

I didn't expect said oldest daughter to ask about 'that special time of month' quite so early (she's 6... eek! That was a fun conversation, I don't mind telling you... )
And I didn't expect God to whack me upside the head tonight. I was sitting here reading when the Ester Bible Study by Beth Moore I started last year popped into my mind. I started reading it, and MAN it hit right on. If I had of read it a year ago, I wouldn't have gotten it.
But today I did.
Today, I learned that I'm more like Haman than I thought. (Read the book of Ester if you don't know who Haman is... hint.. he's not the good guy... ).
That was totally unexpected.

Not that I want to go out killing people on 75 foot poles in my yard, but how much he needed/wanted/REALLY wanted recognition from the king.
What has surprised you today? What totally unexpected thing happened to you that made you go... oh!?
Much love,

Linked with: On Your Heart Tuesday

book, love, and more:

U-- Unexpected + Review