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  • How I Find Time to Write by Zanna Mackenzie (author of How Do You Spell Love?)

    How I Find Time to Write by Zanna Mackenzie (author of How Do You Spell Love?)

    The final installment of 'How I Find Time to Write' is written by the wonderful Zanna Mackenzie! I'm so excited to have her tell you the tricks she uses to write her novels. She also has some excerpts from her new book How Do You Spell Love?


    Finding the time to escape into whatever book you’re currently writing can be a tricky business for an author. I’m fortunate in being self-employed, though contracted to work a set amount of hours per week I have plenty of flexibility re when I do work those hours. My day job is also writing related – another plus – as I’m the editor of some business publications for a chamber of commerce. I work from home too, which I love and which saves me having to spend time doing lengthy commutes each day – another positive!
    I’ve recently had two novels published by different publishers within the space of a month and have quickly discovered that all of the required promotional activity and social media ‘presence’ is very time consuming, far more than I had anticipated.
    All of which means finding the time to edit my next book (I’ve recently completed the first draft of it) and working on the scenes/plot/characters of the book I have outlined for after that is becoming more and more of a challenge.
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m delighted to have my work published and relish learning all about the promotional aspects of being an author, but as my writing time has now been squeezed considerably I’m having to be more creative about finding time to write and my solution is – write in bed!!
    My husband is one of those people who is always awake at about 5am and gets up to do the ‘early morning shift’ in our household - so I have a notebook by the bed and let my mind start working on scenes and dialogue as soon as I wake up and then I start writing them all up ready to be typed onto the computer in the appropriate slot in the working manuscript document whenever I get chance.
    I’ve found that I prefer writing in this way rather than sitting in front of the computer and writing straight onto it whilst in ‘the creative zone’.
    As the ‘boss’ at my day job doesn’t work on Fridays I try as much as I can to make Fridays my writing day – providing I don’t have design or proof reading deadlines for the business publications – and aim to keep promotion and social media to a minimum then as well so that I can get typing up all those scene notes.
    I currently have about 50 pages of notes to type up though – so this plan doesn’t always work!

    Many thanks for hosting me on your blog today Kelly!
    My latest novel, published by Crooked Cat, is called How Do You Spell Love? Here’s the details:

    Make A Wish…
    Kat can’t help wishing there was more to life than this. What happened to her dream job? What happened with Nathan?
    Summer is wondering where her life is going too… battling the developers of a controversial housing estate and working out why boyfriend Rob is increasingly distant.
    When the developers win the battle and move into town everyone’s life is turned upside down.
    Kat meets building site project manager Alex. She enjoys his company far too much, even though he’s on the town’s most hated list.
    Summer meets Tom who has plenty of relationship troubles of his own, so things could get really complicated.
    Soon everyone is keeping secrets, lives change and hearts are broken. Is everything falling apart, or does life just work in mysterious ways…

    There’s a sneak peak of the book below and it can be purchased in paperback and ebook formats now on:
    *Crooked Cat Publishing
    *Amazon UK
    *Amazon USA

    Extract from How Do You Spell Love?
    Kat pushed the last of the cottage cheese and shrimp sandwiches into the cool box and slammed the van door shut. As if her life wasn’t enough of a disaster zone as it was – no money, lousy job, losing Nathan, having to move back home to live with her parents – now this had to go and happen. Plus, of course, it didn’t help that today she was feeling shattered after spending half the night chanting some ridiculous protection spell in the middle of the allotments with Summer.
    Cringing as a van full of builders stopped at the nearby traffic lights, Kat braced herself for the inevitable. After the standard-issue wolf whistles had drifted across from their van, next came the leered, “Wouldn’t argue with that, love!” as one of them nodded towards her sparkling clean van, parked neatly at the curb. The words “A Bit of Crumpet on the Road” emblazoned down the side in deep purple, glittery lettering. Not for the first time Kat cursed her boss Janice for calling her bakery-cum-deli that name.
    Kat sighed, well it certainly drew comments from the public and from their customers, not always welcome ones, but as Janice was always keen to point out, any kind of publicity and attention was, in her eyes, good publicity and attention.
    Pulling her navy and white striped apron more tightly around her T-shirt and shorts, Kat ignored the builders and climbed into her van to begin that morning’s deliveries. As she indicated to pull out into the busy street in Luisborough, she mulled over the bad news – that she was to add the controversial Netherton Meadows housing development to her daily sandwich round.
    Netherton Meadows. Yippee. If Summer found out, she’d surely be ostracised for fraternising with the environmental enemy. This was a development that pretty much everyone in Luisborough had fought against for getting on towards a year. It had been the focus of STW campaigns. It went against everything that Kat believed in environmental-wise. Everyone hated the Netherton Meadows developers. Except, it seemed, Janice, who was perfectly happy to, in her words, ‘supply yummy builders with yummy sandwiches.’
    Lost in thought, Kat just managed to spot the approaching traffic lights had turned to red and hastily slammed a foot on the brake. The van lurched to a halt and several boxes of crisps and one of the cool boxes in the back tipped over. Damn. It was shaping up to be one of those days.
    Ten minutes later she pulled into the car park of Printing Phenomenon, hauled some baskets and a box from the van and headed for the reception area. It was getting towards late July and was another one of those blazing hot days that made every little thing feel as though it required a huge amount of effort. The kind of day the people of the UK are so unaccustomed to, where all you want to do is get a large, cool drink and collapse into a deckchair for a long snooze.
    Two hours later Kat had visited all her usual drops, was extremely hot and bothered, and could put off going to Netherton Meadows no longer.
    Driving through the assorted vans, machinery and portacabins Kat parked next to a building marked as being the Site Office and hit the button on the dashboard. Tinkling chimes filled the air as Kat climbed from the driver’s seat and made to open the back doors of the vehicle. It was embarrassing enough that the van had the company name in large lettering along its side but, just to make sure that it received maximum exposure – and achieved maximum embarrassment – Janice had had some irritating chimes fitted to the vehicle too. Kat was under strict instructions to sound the chimes when she called at all of the sites where people came out to the van; such as they were about to at Netherton Meadows.
    A man came down the steps of the office with a grin on his face and walked towards her. “Hi, you must be Kat.” He wedged a clipboard under his left arm and offered a hand to shake. “I’m Alex. Project manager for the site.”
    “Hi,” mumbled Kat, spotting a group of hard-hat-clad builders advancing towards her with hungry expressions on their faces.
    “Right, lads,” Alex turned towards the men. “This is Kat and she’s very kindly agreed to venture onto this site to bring you all your lunch. Don’t give her any hassle, OK?”
    The men laughed and then nodded. “Sure, Alex. You’re the boss.”
    Fifteen minutes later it seemed that all of the team at the development had made their sandwich, crisp and drink selections and sloped off to devour them in the sunshine. Only one of the builders, a portly man who must have been twenty years Kat’s senior, had pushed the boundaries a little, despite Alex’s earlier warning. As he’d selected a smoked salmon and cream cheese roll – a choice that had surprised Kat somewhat, having pegged him as a ham and cheese kind of guy – he’d asked Kat if she’d fancy joining him for a drink sometime. She’d politely declined his offer, saying that she had a boyfriend. No need to tell him that, technically, she and Nathan were no longer an item. No need to tell him why either.
    Just as Kat slammed the van doors shut, Alex re-appeared from his office.
    “Thanks, Kat. I hope none of them caused any trouble?” he asked, taking off his yellow hard hat and running a hand through cropped dark brown hair in an agitated fashion.
    “No, they were all fine.” Kat forced a smile, struggling to tuck an escaped tendril of curly blond hair back into her ponytail. God, it was hot today. “Thanks for being so gentlemanly about their behaviour.”
    He grinned back at her. “No problem. I know what they can be like and as soon as I saw you getting out of the van I thought I’d better intervene. I’ve had enough problems getting a company to even contemplate coming to this site without them scaring you off on the first day.”
    “Problems? Why do you think that is?” asked Kat, sensing an opportunity to make sure this man was fully aware just how much the people of Luisborough were still against the development.
    “Because they hate us around here,” he said, shrugging matter-of-factly.
    “And that doesn’t bother you?” Kat was now leaning against the van, noting that Alex seemed, somehow, a bit different to the rest of the team on the site. He had a jaded air about him despite the fact that he was clearly much younger than most of the others. Kat couldn’t help noticing that he was also extremely good looking.
    “Yes, it bothers me but what can you do?” He sighed. “A job’s a job in this day and age. We all have to make a living, don’t we?”
    Softening a little towards him, Kat nodded and rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it.”
    He moved to stand next to her, propping himself against the van. Kat hadn’t realised until that moment just how tall he was. “Take you, for instance. I can’t imagine it was your lifelong ambition to drive around in a van with that name on the side of it. You must get no end of grief.”
    “I do but I need to earn some money to get my life back on track, so here I am.”
    “Is this your first job?” he asked, setting his hat and clipboard on the roof of the van and looking at her intently.
    “Pretty much. I recently finished a degree in environmental science and geography at university.” She added, trying to sound optimistic, “I’m waiting for my dream job to come along. In the meantime I work at the deli for a pittance and spend the rest of my time volunteering in a charity shop in town.”
    “Dream job, eh?” He turned towards her, brown eyes looking at her in a genuinely interested way. “What would your dream job be, then?”
    Kat smiled. “That’s easy. I’d love to work on a project like a nature reserve. Helping to preserve the environment, look after the wildlife. The charity shop where I volunteer is the Save the World one. My boss there, Summer, is a good friend and a great campaigner against developments like this.”
    Aware that she was telling him things that she hadn’t really spoken to anyone about since Nathan, she quickly turned away. He was a complete stranger. A stranger who stood for everything she was against. He was the enemy, supervising the building of a development that she, and many others, had fought to try to prevent.
    Reaching onto the van roof to hand the hat and clipboard back to Alex, she said, “I’d better be going.”
    “Sure. Thanks for coming out here.” He started to walk away but then paused, turned back towards her and added, “See you tomorrow, then?”
    Kat nodded. As she drove off, she felt more flustered than when she’d arrived. Unfortunately she had a growing suspicion that it had nothing to do with the hot weather or having to bring food to the development against her will. Rather, she suspected, it had much more to do with meeting Alex the site manager. Not a good sign at all.

    Author Bio and links
    Author bio
    Zanna Mackenzie lives in the East Midlands in the UK with her husband, 4 dogs, a vegetable patch that’s home to far too many weeds and an ever expanding library of books waiting to be read.
    Being a freelance writer and editor of business publications is her ‘day job’ but, at every opportunity, she can be found scribbling down notes on scenes for whatever novel she’s working on. She loves it when the characters in her novels take on minds of their own and start deviating from the original plot!
    Formerly a travel agent and therapist (she has qualifications in clinical aromatherapy, crystal healing, naturopathic nutrition and herbalism) she loves walking the dogs and gardening – that’s when she’s not writing or reading!
    Zanna has written two novels, The Love Programme and How Do You Spell Love?

    Find out more about Zanna at:
    Twitter: @ZannaMacKenzie
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/zanna. mackenzie
    Goodreads - http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/10703273-zanna-mackenzie

  • ~Product Review... Crayola Color Bubbles~

    ~Product Review... Crayola Color Bubbles~

    My middle child loves bubbles so imagine my excitement when I saw a commercial for this...
    Crayola Colored Bubbles!

    I mean, HUZZAH, right? Colored Bubbles! My daughter would be in total bliss.

    So, this Easter, "The Bunny" brought her the colored bubble set with sidewalk chalk...


    She was very excited so we went outside to play after church... and the excitment faded.

    Two of the big selling points to the colored bubbles (besides the colors obviously) are: 1. They are washable. 2. They are in spill proof bottles.

    Both claims I found to be false.

    Exhibit A:


    This is my daughter's shirt (I was smart enough to let her wear one of her Daddy's old white ones) after the bubbles... that's fine. I expected a mess... I mean 'colored bubbles' after all...

    However, after I washed the shirt right after we got back in...


    The stains are there... they aren't bad stains, but if she had been wearing one of her shirts and not one of her Daddy's then I would have been kinda angry. Part of it is my fault. I read AFTERWARDS that I was supposed to wash in hot water (I always wash in cold). I'm unsure if that would have helped or not... so that may be my error and not the company...

    But not this one...

    Exhibit B:

    Remember when I said one of the claims was "Spill Proof Bottles"?



    This product was so messy and so messy that my kids didn't want to use it much. The bubble solution would come out of the 'spill proof top' when you were pulling the wand out and go all over them. Twice I heard, "Ew, Mama!" and looked and they had green or purple hands. I thought maybe I had made a mistake, and the product was for older kids... but no. The age for it is 3+ which they are. I even disliked how messy it was when I used it, and I was trying to be careful.

    Exhibit C:

    This isn't really a 'claim' and it DID say to test on the surface before you started, but really... I'm going to test it and wash it off while I have 2 young, excitable, hyped up on excitement and Easter candy waiting in the wings???? Yeah... I should have...


    The picture above is the 'before' shot which is perfectly fine because I expected the bubbles to make a mess when they popped... that was supposed to be the fun of it (although nothing really was fun about any of it).

    And here is the after...


    I washed... and washed... and washed... and washed... and washed with the hose and it wouldn't come off. The purple did really well which surprised me really because we had more trouble with the purple bottle than the green one. I can't say I'm exactly thrilled about the state of my carport right now.

    The bubbles were pretty. They didn't hang long and they seemed to be really heavy (I guess from the solution used). I liked the idea... but was very disappointed with the outcome. This won't be a product I buy in the future, and I hate that because I usually love Crayola products.

    Much Love,


  • THE LOVE PROGRAMME-- Zanna Mackenzie

    THE LOVE PROGRAMME-- Zanna Mackenzie

    Zanna Mackenzie is on my blog today, talking about her new book, THE LOVE PROGRAMME! I'm so excited to have her (I just love her book cover! Seriously, it's gorgeous!)

    Here's Zanna...

    Many thanks for hosting me on your blog today!
    My novel, published by Astraea Press, is called The Love Programme, here’s more details:

    Product Details

    Thanks to an embarrassing incident involving a wedding and her ex-boyfriend Marcus, Lucy has to leave her home town in a hurry and needs a place to escape to for a while.
    Best friend Fiona is convinced now would be a good time for Lucy to get herself a new life with some potential for romance thrown in. Fate seems to agree when Lucy is given the once-in-a-lifetime chance to star in a TV show and be a contestant on The Love Programme - two weeks of luxury living on a grand Highland estate coupled with, she hopes, fun and romance in wildest Scotland.
    When Lucy meets Paul - the young, handsome owner of the Highland estate - she thinks she may have found the love of her life but who is the mysterious Hannah and what part does she play in his life? When she discovers that Marcus is planning to follow her to Scotland to win her back Lucy has some serious soul searching to do. Does she have a future with Paul, with Marcus or is she yet to find the man of her dreams?

    There’s a sneak peak at chapter one below and the book can be downloaded now on Amazon
    Amazon UK:

    Amazon USA:

    Chapter One
    “I’m so glad he’s marrying someone else,” whispered Lucy, watching the groom shuffle nerv-ously from one foot to the other at the top of the aisle.
    “It could have been you up there,” replied Fiona. “How many times did Marcus ask you to marry him?”
    “Three,” Lucy replied, shifting position for the fourth time in as many minutes. Why did church pews have to be so uncomfortable? “The first time when we were five, then again at twenty and finally,” she paused, reliving the moment in her head, “eight months ago.”
    “Well,” Fiona said, as the organ struck up, filling the cold but pretty church with overly loud mu-sic, “it looks as though you’re safe from any more proposals, because I think the bride has just arrived.”
    Amelie Marchant made her way slowly down the aisle, blonde hair in an elegant chignon, de-signer dress looking a million dollars. Beneath her thin veil it was clear she was smiling, no doubt savouring each precious second of being the focus of everyone’s attention, yet keeping her own attention firmly fixed on Marcus, who was awaiting her arrival at the altar.
    Fiona nodded in approval. “She looks gorgeous. Her dress is exquisite.” She nudged Lucy. “Doesn’t the little bridesmaid look sweet in deep pink?”
    “Yes, she’s Amelie’s niece apparently.” Lucy let a small sigh of contentment slip from her lips as Amelie reached the altar and stood close to Marcus. Finally she, Lucy Stokes, was going to be free of Marcus Brandon. He was marrying someone else, hallelujah! She would, at long last, be able to live her life exactly the way she wanted to. The whole reason she was here today was to witness the ceremony for herself. To know it was for real.
    Okay, so she and Marcus had been childhood sweethearts. They’d played at the whole boy-friend-girlfriend thing on and off, sometimes quite successfully, for well over fifteen years. When she’d reached her twenties Lucy had sensed they didn’t have a future together, and she’d been trying to get Marcus to realise the fact ever since.
    When she’d broken it off with him for the last time, to say he hadn’t taken kindly to the idea they were no longer an item was a major understatement. Over time she’d grown used to his persistent phone calls, the fact he often just popped round to see her and casually suggested, if they were both at a loose end, they might go for a drink or to the pictures.
    Even when she’d plucked up the courage to attempt to date other people, it had been a complete disaster. Friadon was a small town and Marcus seemed to know every detail of where she went, when and with whom. On more than one occasion he’d tried to talk her out of going on a date, and she suspected, but couldn’t prove, he’d persuaded at least one of her dates to stay well away from her, causing her to be stood up, all alone in the heavy rain, outside the local cinema.
    Six months after they’d split up, in a completely misguided attempt to woo her back, he’d gotten down on one knee and proposed to her for the third time at the travel agency where she worked. Armed with a huge bouquet of red roses and a bottle of champagne he’d asked her to marry him one last time. It had been in front of several customers too; Lucy had been pink with embarrass-ment. When, riddled with guilt, she’d gently declined his offer yet again, he’d gone off and met Amelie. Eight months later here the two of them were standing at the altar about to become man and wife.
    Realising the ceremony was already well under way and she’d missed the first bit through not paying attention, Lucy tried to focus on what was being said, forcing the memories of Marcus from her mind. Yes, they’d enjoyed some fun times over the years, and she had to admit there had been occasions when they’d been completely great together, but it was all in the past now. His future lay with Amelie.
    Clearing his throat the vicar glanced nervously towards the congregation and asked, “Does any-one here object to the marriage of Amelie Marchant and Marcus Brandon? If so, speak now or forever hold... ”
    “I object.” The words were barely audible but Lucy heard them and fear shivered up her spine.
    The vicar, looking as though his worse fears were being realised, glanced around anxiously, un-sure what to do or say next.
    “I object!”
    This time the voice was louder. The vicar grew red-faced and flustered.
    “I’m sorry, sir, did you say you object?”
    The bridegroom nodded solemnly. “Yes, I’m afraid I did.”
    Those in the first few rows of the church heard the faintest of whimpers escape from beneath the bride’s veil and her knees appeared to buckle just a little.
    Fixing a stern gaze upon the unwilling groom the vicar muttered, “Why exactly do you object, Mr. Brandon?”
    Marcus addressed the packed congregation, his eyes scanning the rows, seeming to search for someone. Then in a loud, clear voice he announced, “I object because I’m still in love with an-other woman!” Raising his right hand he pointed to an area, three pews back on the right, just in front of a stone pillar. “Lucy, my love, will you ever take me back?”
    There was collective gasp from the congregation; the bride fainted on the spot, sinking to the floor to be quickly swallowed up in a cloud of ivory silk and lace. Lucy, covered in embarrass-ment from head to foot, used her generously proportioned purple feather hat to try to hide her face, clasped her matching purple purse to her chest and ran from the church as fast as her kitten heels would carry her.
    “Poor woman. Imagine being left at the altar.” Fiona licked her lips and placed her fork back on the now empty plate, having demolished a generous portion of blueberry cheesecake. “It’s the kind of thing you never recover from, surely.”
    “I know, I know, and I’m mortified everybody thinks I was in some way to blame.” Lucy sighed and searched in her handbag for a tissue. “I tried to call Amelie afterwards to explain there was nothing going on between me and Marcus, but her mum slammed the phone down on me. Eve-ryone hates me and I haven’t even done anything wrong.”
    “So, where is Marcus now then?”
    “He flew out to Portugal yesterday after the wedding to stay with his sister and her family. He rang me from the airport and asked if I’d fly out to join him, can you believe it?” Lucy shook her head in despair. “What do I have to do for him to get the message?”
    “Well, he’s obviously still crazy about you.” Fiona sighed and then pinched the uneaten biscotti from the side of Lucy’s cup and saucer. “In some ways it’s rather romantic.”
    “Fi! It’s not and you know it! You’ve known me since school, and you know how he’s been driving me crazy for years! You, of all people, should understand!” Lucy replied, trying to re-trieve the stolen biscotti from Fiona. “I want some freedom from him. I want a life. I want to be able to try to find my Mr. Perfect.”
    Fiona shook her head despairingly. “Not Mr. Perfect again. Don’t tell me — the man of your dreams needs to be,” she started to count on her fingers, “One, he needs to be fabulously wealthy. Two, he needs to be drop dead gorgeous. Three, kind and loving, attentive and thought-ful. Four, intelligent and successful. Five…”
    Lucy held her hand up in protest. “Well, a girl needs to aim high.”
    “I understand about you and Marcus. He’s not the man for you, but I’m afraid you’re not being realistic in the male wish list department. Firstly, you swap and change your mind about things all the while, and secondly, you know Mr. Perfect doesn’t even exist,” Fiona said, with a regretful smile. “I’m sure we all wish he did, but he doesn’t. Never has.”
    Looking like a child who’d just been told Santa Claus wasn’t real, Lucy replied, “Okay for you to say. You’ve found your soulmate and are heading for the Friadon wedding of the year in a couple of weeks.”
    “Yes, this is true.” Fiona nodded, a blissful smile appearing on her face. “But don’t forget I was realistic. I know Luke’s the one for me. I accept he’s not Mr. Perfect. He doesn’t shower me with roses or gifts, he goes down to the pub with his mates to watch the football far too often, and he’s not made of money. Oh, and he hates shopping!”
    Lucy shook her head, pretending to disapprove. “And yet you still love him!”
    “Yes, I do.” Fiona snapped the biscotti in half and handed one piece to Lucy. “Didn’t you ever love Marcus?”
    “No. Well, maybe I thought I did when I was younger. We were great together for a while.” She sighed, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. “I suppose I’ve never had much chance to date other guys, to experience life. That’s part of the problem. Marcus always wanted us to go absolutely everywhere together when we were dating.”
    “I don’t know how you’ve managed. To reach the ripe old age of twenty three, and you can probably count the number of boyfriends you’ve had on three fingers.”
    Lucy buried her head in her hands, a curtain of straight blonde hair falling forward to hide her face. “I know. It’s crazy. And now I’m hated by pretty much every female within a ten mile ra-dius because they think I’m a trollop and I’ve been carrying on with Marcus whilst he’s been en-gaged. I’m completely innocent in all of this, yet I’m the one getting bad-mouthed.”
    “They’ll get over it.” Pausing for dramatic effect, Fiona added, “It’ll just probably take a long while. In the meantime you’ll have to get used to being thought of as a wanton woman.” Patting her hand reassuringly, she said, “Anyway, I’m still your friend.”
    “Great, thanks,” muttered Lucy, head still in her hands. “Sometimes I just feel this overwhelming desire to move away from here, to get myself a new life.”
    “Well, do it then. For goodness sake you’ve been whinging on about it enough for the last few years.” Fiona popped the biscotti into her mouth. “Think about it. What’s stopping you from leaving Friadon anyway? Well, apart from my impending wedding of course.”
    Warming to her topic she said, “It would do you good to get away from this small town mentali-ty. You should have done it years ago. Go off and explore, find out what you want from your life. You’ve never had a chance to date properly without Marcus peering over your shoulder. It must have been awkward.”
    “It was.” Lucy shrugged, staring at a large crumb of biscotti on the table. As she had a good idea how infrequently the table tops were cleaned in this café, she resisted the strong urge to scoop the crumb up and lick it from her finger. “Anyway, at my age, shouldn’t I have my life all mapped out by now? You know, what I want from men, work, the whole caboodle.”
    Shaking her head Fiona reached for the last of her coffee. “Nah, it’s just a popular myth. Gener-ally things just happen, and they’re probably not what you were planning but they usually kind of work out for the best in the end.”
    Looking at Lucy, she said, “Remember how you used to complain about how boring Marcus was? Saying how you’d never been in a relationship where you’d been totally swept off your feet, how you wanted to find a man you could be completely crazy about for the rest of your life? Always going on about how you wanted to find your Mr. Perfect, the love of your life?”
    Lucy pushed a lock of hair behind her right ear, frowning. “And your point is?”
    “Go find the man for you, have your adventure, enjoy yourself,” Fiona added encouragingly. “All of the hearts and roses stuff, the handsome looks and pots of money business we all, at some point, crave. Doesn’t matter. They’re not the real recipe for happiness in a relationship.” As Lucy’s face took on a not-this-lecture-again look, Fiona said, “You’ll see, I know you will. You just need to find the right man first.”
    Business had been slower than usual at the Price Right Travel Agency where Lucy worked. “Isn’t it boring when nobody comes into the agency?” She sighed as she deftly slid a pair of scis-sors through some plastic wrapping on a pile of holiday brochures proclaiming Turkey to be ‘paradise in the sun’.
    Her boss Melanie glanced up from her computer with an irritated expression on her pixie-like face. “I imagine we’re being boycotted thanks to your little shenanigans with Marcus.”
    Trying to wedge some brochures with a picture of a gorgeous sun-drenched Turkish beach on the front onto the shelving, Lucy said, “For the tenth time, Mel, I didn’t do anything. What do I have to say for people to believe me?”
    Mel shook her head. “I’m not here to judge your love life but when it starts to affect my busi-ness…” she paused, choosing her words carefully. “For starters Marcus was one of our best cus-tomers. He even booked his honeymoon here. Goodness knows what will happen there. Nobody has asked about the chance of a refund yet. What with Marcus paying for it and then jetting off to Portugal straight after the non-wedding, he hasn’t had a chance. I expect he’ll be in to try to sort it all out when he gets back.”
    “He’ll lose his money. I’m pretty sure walking out on your wedding isn’t covered under his in-surance,” said Lucy with a grimace, feeling guilty about how Marcus and Amelie wouldn’t get to enjoy the five star hotel he’d chosen on a gorgeous stretch of beach on Cyprus. If she remem-bered rightly the place had three restaurants, five swimming pools, a spa and a gym. Everything you could wish for. She’d helped him to choose the place. Now she was the reason he wouldn’t be going there.
    “Perhaps it would be best if you took a bit of a sabbatical. Have you thought about it at all?” Mel asked with more than a hint of encouragement in her voice.
    “Sabbatical?” Lucy queried, the brochures in her hand slipping to the floor. “Not a polite way of saying I’m fired is it?”
    “Of course not. I’ll hold your job open for you. Just consider it an opportunity to take a few weeks off to go and have yourself a bit of fun. Hopefully by the time you return, all the gossips will have moved on to someone else and the next Friadon scandal.”
    “You’re serious aren’t you?” Lucy asked, sitting down on several bundles of as-yet unopened brochures.
    “Definitely. I have this friend who works for a small TV production company. They’re doing some sort of programme about love and one of the girls has had to pull out at the last moment for family reasons. They need a replacement right away and the filming is supposed to start in two days. Craig, my friend, doesn’t want to have to go through all the audition info again to choose someone else. I bet you’d be ideal.”
    Sceptically Lucy asked, “What sort of love programme? It’s not something tacky is it?”
    “No, no,” Mel answered, tapping away at her computer keyboard. “I think the idea is for three girls and one boy to spend two weeks together at some glam location. It’s properly organised and supervised. Each of you would get to go on your dream type of dates. It’s all about the psycholo-gy of finding the love of your life.”
    Lucy got to her feet, then swayed unsteadily as her sandals slipped across several of the glossy holiday brochures scattered about the floor where she’d dropped them minutes earlier. Stooping to gather up the brochures before a customer (should one of them ever appear) broke their ankle on them and sued the agency, Lucy contemplated Mel’s suggestion. “So it would all be quite tasteful then?”
    “I should imagine so. I think they’ll be having a psychologist on hand too, so after each date you can talk about how you think things went. There’s a complete relationship analysis service avail-able so you can learn about yourself, men, and your attitude towards dating. Sounds ideal for you.”
    Realising she’d been holding her breath for a few seconds, Lucy let it out in a long sigh. “Okay, I might be interested. Shall I call this Craig or will you?”

  • Jennifer Comeaux, Gorgeous Covers, and a giveaway!!!

    Jennifer Comeaux, Gorgeous Covers, and a giveaway!!!

    I'm so excited to have Jennifer Comeaux here today and learn about the second in her Edge novels, Edge of the Past (Astraea Press, Nov. 2012)
    Edge of the Past is the sequel to Life on the Edge-- I'll give you the book covers to see if you can figure out what these books are about...

    Life On the Edge by Jennifer Comeaux
    Edge of the Past by Jennifer Comeaux


    Hmmm... do you sense the theme?

    (And aren't these AWESOME book covers! Seriously, gorgeous!)

    Life on the Edge and Edge of the Past are New Adult novels, a very big upcoming genre in literature between young adult (12ish-18ish) and adult (over college age... ish).

    And do you have to like skating to like these books? Well, did you have to know how to do surgery to watch ER or drink blood to watch the Vampire Diaries (ewwww)?

    So, what is Edge of the Past about...

    Emily’s skating career and personal life have never been more golden. She and her partner Chris have won every competition they’ve entered this season, and she’s found the man of her dreams in her coach Sergei. But when one of the biggest competitions of the year takes Emily and Sergei to Russia, Sergei’s past explodes into the present and makes Emily doubt everything in their future.

    And what's reading the second book before you read the first one? It's like watching The Bourne Legacy without seeing the Bourne Identity or Return of the Jedi before they ever went away...
    Jennifer wants to help you with that. She has agreed to give away 1 ebook copy of LIFE ON THE EDGE (Edge, #1) to a reader of this blog (You my friends... you! And is there anything better than free??????)
    All you have to do to win is leave a blog comment telling me which book cover you like the best: Life on the the Edge or Edge of the Past.

    Personally, I'm all about the second one because purple is my favorite color... I need to make this blog purple (but I digress)


    GOOD LUCK!!! This is definitely a book you want to win!

    Wanna know what book 1 is about????

    Nineteen-year-old Emily is new to pairs skating, but she and her partner Chris have a big dream–to be the first American team to win Olympic gold. Their young coach Sergei, who left Russia after a mysterious end to his skating career, believes they can break through and make history. Emily and Chris are on track to be top contenders at the 2002 Winter Games. But when forbidden feelings spark between Emily and Sergei, broken trust and an unexpected enemy threaten to derail Emily’s dreams of gold.

    And here is an excerpt from EDGE OF THE PAST...

    Sergei pressed me up into the star lift, and I noticed some of the other skaters idling and watching us. We sped past them, and Sergei set me down, preparing for the closing seconds of the program.
    In time with the final piano notes, I edged away from Sergei, and he rushed toward me, trapping me in his arms for the ending pose. I gasped at the passion with which he grabbed me. His eyes held my gaze then slowly drifted down to my mouth, and my body hummed from the fiery energy between us. I leaned into his chest and squeezed my fingers harder around his biceps.
    A few of my training mates erupted with applause and whistles, and Sergei jerked backward. He didn’t say anything as he took off to cool down, leaving me alone in the middle of the ice with more than my muscles burning.

    Jennifer Comeaux

    About the Author
    Jennifer Comeaux earned a Master of Accounting from Tulane University and is a Certified Public Accountant in south Louisiana. While working in the corporate world, she sought a creative outlet and decided to put on paper a story that had played in her head for years. That story became Life on the Edge, her first published novel. When not working or writing, she is an avid follower of the sport of figure skating, travelling to competitions around the country. Those experiences allow her to see a different side of the sport and serve as an inspiration for her writing. Jennifer is blessed with a wonderful family and friends who have encouraged her to pursue her dream of being a published author.
    Author social media links:

  • It Was A Dark and Stormy Night: Using Setting to Enhance a Story

    It Was A Dark and Stormy Night: Using Setting to Enhance a Story

    To celebrate the release of her Novella Dies Irae, I asked author Christine Fonseca if she would talk about one of her strengths: using setting to set the mood. Not only does she do a great job with this in her story (which I'm currently reading), she wrote an AWESOME post on the topic.


    Thanks, Stina, for hosting a leg of the blog tour for DIES IRAE. I am excited to be here today talking about setting. As most of you may know, I love writing dark and creepy stories. Whether they are gothic, romance, or psychological, one thing unites my stories—they’re dark.

    One of the ways I achieve the “dark” tone to my stories is through the use of setting.

    I view setting as a “character” of sorts—something that can enhance and enrich the story; the vehicle by which character emotions and plot themes can be revealed or embellished.

    Specifically speaking, setting is comprised of the following elements of a story:

    * Location – WHEN is the story set?
    * Time – WHEN is the story set, both in terms of era and time of day
    * Climate – WHAT is the season and/or the weather like during your story

    Correctly identifying these things, as well as describing them in ways that work towards the overall tone and mood of the book can help an author create a memorable experience for the reader.

    So, how do I do that? How do I use setting in that way? For me, it is always about placing myself in the scene and looking around. Using my five senses, what do I see, hear, smell? And how do these details help to create or push the emotional content of the story? Then I filter that experience into words.

    Now, this is not always an easy thing to do. Most of the time, I put too much or too little into the story. My early drafts are often filled with purple prose, some passive language, and too many sensory references that I then need to rework. But eventually, after I’ve reworked and rewritten a scene, after I’ve taken the time to judiciously put in setting references without dragging down the plot, I come up with a scene that is powerful and rich.

    Take this tiny excerpt from DIES IRAE:

    “The mouth of the cave is complete in its darkness. A cold wind wafts up from the earth’s depths, carrying the scent of death. “Yep, this has got to be it,” I whisper.

    Mikayel draws his sword and walks in. The descent is steep and narrow, giving way to an even floor littered with rocks and bones. Too many bones.

    Everything is quiet. Stalactites line the cave’s ceiling like teeth meant to consume us. Small crevices recede into the walls.

    And still, everything is quiet.”

    My goal in this tiny snippet was to establish the setting in such a way as to build the tension the character is feeling. You will have to be the judge as to whether or not that was accomplished, but I would like to think it was.

    Setting is a powerful tool in a writer’s arsenal. Sadly, it is one that is not always utilized. Is it one you are comfortable using?

    For me, becoming more adept at using setting to establish tone and mood, as well as mirror the emotions, has been one of the best, most useful skills I’ve learned—a skill I am constantly working to develop through writing exercises that include practicing writing different descriptions of places, all to evoke specific feelings or moods.

    Try this:

    Pick a familiar setting—a beach or mountain landscape for example. Write a detailed description of that place. Now, make it scary and write that description. Make it romantic. Make it foreboding. Keep rewriting the basic description within different emotional contexts. The more you practice this, the more natural incorporating setting will become.

    How do you use setting in your stories?

  • Oh Me Oh Mi of Overwriting

    Oh Me Oh Mi of Overwriting

    Janie runs quickly through the incredibly snowy yards from two streets away and slips very quietly through the bright purple front door of her two story house complete with cream-colored siding and a roof that needs to be repair.

    And then.

    Everything goes really black. Pitch black. As black as the night.

    She holds her head tightly, cursing her mother under her minty breath as the whirling, twirling, swirling kaleidoscope of colors—red, orange, green, purple—builds quickly and throws her completely and utterly off balance. She bumps hard and painfully against the dirty white wall, the paint peeling in quite a few places and holds on really hard, and then very slowly lowers herself blindly to the worn carpeted floor as her fingers, with the beautifully painted long fingernails, go numb. The last thing she really needs is to crack her head wide open. Again.

    Welcome to the not-so-wonderful world of overwriting. This is where the eager writer drowns his pose in adverbs and adjective, thinking it makes the writing more vivid. This is one of those times when the saying ‘less is more’ really does apply. As you can see from the above version of Lisa McMann’s novel, Fade (New York Times bestseller), all those adjectives and adverbs do nothing for the story. If anything, they bury Lisa’s compelling voice. Compare it to the actual version from the novel.

    Janie sprints through the snowy yards from two streets away and slips quietly through the front door of her house.

    And then.

    Everything goes black.

    She grips her head, cursing her mother under her breath as the whirling kaleidoscope of colors builds and throws her off balance. She bumps against the wall and holds on, and then slowly lowers herself blindly to the floor as her fingers go numb. The last thing she needs is to crack her head open. Again.

    Do you see the difference?

    In the first version, weak verbs are modified with adverbs. For example, ‘runs quickly, instead of ‘sprints’ and ‘holds her head tightly’ instead of ‘grips her head’. If you find you’re reaching for an adverb--especially one ending in –ly--to describe the verb, then grab your thesaurus and look up ‘run’. You’ll find an array of better words (bolt, sprint, dash, etc) that paint a concrete picture of what you’re character is doing.

    For adjectives, don’t place a list of them in front of the noun. Try to keep it down to two. If you need to include more, than place some of them behind the noun. For example: Instead of “Tired, bruised, wearing a bloodied, torn dress, Alyssa stumbled along the road.” Write, “Tired and bruised, Alyssa, her dress bloodied and torn, stumbled along the road.” Also, delete any adjectives that are redundant. For example: a baby kitten is like saying a baby baby. All kittens are babies. Right?

    Exercise: For your next writing project—fiction or non-fiction—highlight all the adjectives and adverbs, and see how many you can cut out and how many verb/adverb combinations you can replace with dynamic verbs. Your reader (and teacher) will thank you for it.

    Recommended reading:
    Sin and Syntax: How to Craft Wickedly Effective Prose, Constance Hale

    Thanks, But This Isn’t For Us: A (Sort of) Compassionate Guide to Why Your Writing Is Being Rejected, Jessica Morrell

    Note: This super cool picture was generated using the Wordle program at http://www.wordle.net/.

  • Tip # 33: Using Color For Maximum Effect

    Tip # 33: Using Color For Maximum Effect

    Color can make a huge impact in your photos. It can emphasize your subject or it can highlight your theme.

    Primary Colors (inner circle in above photo):

    As you probably remember, there are three primary colors: Red. Yellow. Blue. They cannot be made by mixing other colors together.

    Secondary Colors (middle ring):

    When you mix two primary colors together, you get secondary colors.
    Red + Yellow = Orange
    Yellow + Blue = Green
    Blue + Red = Purple

    Tertiary Colors (outer ring):

    These colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary one.

    Harmonic Colors:

    These colors are found together on the outer (tertiary) ring. For example, yellow and orange, blue and green, red and purple.

    Complementary Colors:

    These tertiary colors are found opposite to each other. For example, green and purple, and blue and orange. When put together, these colors really pop out at you.

    Warm and Cool Colors

    Warm colors (red, orange, yellow, brown) are brighter and tend to stand out more than the cool ones (blue, green, purple), and give a different feel to the picture.

    Now when you plan out your photos, consider what you’re trying to achieve, and pick your colors accordingly. This is true whether you’re doing a still life or a portrait. For example, your friend in a bright red top against a green background is going to draw the viewer’s eyes to her. Have her in a yellow top and the eyes will be drawn to the whole scene instead of just her.

    Your assignment is to experiment with colors in your photos, and to see what their specific impact is in the pictures.

    BTW. Sorry for the hand drawn color wheel. My real one suffered a horrific accident and even the plastic surgeons couldn't save it.

  • Young Adult Fiction... and Characters running away with your Story

    Young Adult Fiction... and Characters running away with your Story

    Click HERE to enter the Release Week Giveaway!! A $10 Amazon gift card and a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card will be given away. Good luck :) UPDATE: CROSSING THE DEEP is on two of AMAZON'S BEST SELLERS LISTS!!

    • #21,718 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
      • #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Sports & Activities > Sports
      • #58 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Fiction > Children's Fiction > Sports & Activities

      Today, I'm on three blogs again. I'm also working a little on the sequel to 'SAINT SLOAN' (out late winter 2013 from Astraea Press). I want to have it finished before Nanowrimo (November). A plot twist just came around that I wasn't expecting. I love it when that happens. Tour stops today are: The Songs on the Way I’m going to admit something to you guys. Something I probably shouldn’t, but it’s part of who I am, so I might as well. Ready? My name is Kelly, and I love reading Young Adult novels. There… I said it. Sure, I’m in my thirties and *should* be reading more ‘adult’ novels (and I do), but there is something about Young Adult novels that draw me in. I loved reading the Hunger Games and Twilight, even though the more I think about it, the more I have issues with Bella lol. What about you? Do you love Young Adult Fiction? What do I love more than reading Young Adult fiction? CLICK TO READ MORE.
      A Pause on the Path
      Shanda was very nice to let me post on her blog today to tell you about something that is so near and dear to my heart. Life takes us places, sometimes, we never expect.
      I planned on being a wife, a mommy, a teacher, but recently I became something I never expected— CLICK TO READ MORE
      Student, Mama, Cook

      In this crazy, fast-paced world, how do you find the time to do something you (not as a mother, as a woman) want to do? In my opinion, there has to be a balance between your duties as a wife and/or mother, and your duties to yourself as a woman. It’s not easy. As a writer trying to get my books out with a full-time/out of the house job, three kids, a house, and a husband who would like it cleaned occasionally, I have very lovely purple and black bags under my eyes. Plus, at 31-I have some of the most spectacular threads of gray… er silver… in my hair. But, to me, it’s worth it. But don’t let me kid you… it is a sacrifice (and everyone in your family will feel it)—I don’t have much free time to do anything other than mama/teacher stuff and writer stuff, but that’s okay. CLICK TO READ MORE

      David manned the wheel, and Asher hoped he was wide awake and full of caffeine. In addition to the youth pastor, he saw a light coming from some sort of electronic device; a computer tablet or e-­‐‑reader, a row back on the other side of the van. Curious, he rose up a bit to see over his seat. Whatever it was gave off enough light to see that it was a girl. He thought her name was Rachel.-- From Chapter 1, CROSSING THE DEEP
      BUY LINKS: Amazon Barnes and Noble Astraea Press

    • Tip # 34: Seeing Your World in Black & White

      Tip # 34: Seeing Your World in Black & White

      There’s a trick to seeing the world in black & white, which I’m going to share with you. This is important to know when you’re taking black & white photos.

      The first thing you need to understand is the concept of tones. Colors can be light toned or dark toned. Easy enough. But different colors can have the same tone. For example, yellow and orange are both light toned (yellow is the lightest of the two). Both red and green are considered middle toned. And Blue and purple are dark toned.

      Now compare the color picture with the one taken in black & white.

      Once you’ve learned which colors are which tones, you can use it to your advantage when taking black & white photos.

      Your assignment is to experiment taking color and black & white photos of the same subject. Then study the effects the different colors have on the overall picture.

      Please note: These pictures were taken with a digital camera and then converted to black & white (I’ll discuss how to do this in next week's tip). The result maybe slightly different compared to black & white film.

    • Late Night Blogging...

      This should be interesting to read in the morning...

      So, it's 2:40 am.

      Yeah, I'm up.

      Sounds horrible, right?

      Not really when you consider that I went to sleep at 7:30!

      I didn't mean too...

      I didn't want too...

      But my dh was so warm...

      So cuddly...

      So... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... er... so tired. He stayed up all day so he could cook us a MONSTER feast of fish (that he caught himself).

      Remember my 'Jessie Spano' Day on Thursday? Well, yesterday nearly topped it... HOWEVER, thanks to my sweet husband (who was off last night), he cooked supper while I got to play with Everlee for 2 hours nearly interuption free (save the other ladies who got tired of playing outside, so they came in and played with Everlee and I). Lets say that it was a great (and much needed) break. :)

      The fish was awesome! Rock Fish and Stripe which means nothing to me... fish is fish... but they were good fish I'll give them that.

      It's always on Friday nights that I go to sleep early. Always, Through the week, I stay up way too late, and on Friday when I 'could' stay up... nope. I conk out... Must be my old age...

      I woke up at 1:30 am to a 4 year old's call that her ear was hurting... great! Of course she's not feeling well or sleeping well since we have a 'family date' to the see the Cinderella play tomorrow. Something I'm actually looking forward to... I even bought them nice, new dresses to wear... but oh well... Murphy's Mom Law, right???? Goes with the territory.

      SO, in conclusion, I'm going to bed. I will be woken up many more times, I'm assuming, but that's ok. Purple bags under eyes are fashionable... right??????


    • If you were stuck in the forest... what 3 things would you want with you?

      If you were stuck in the forest... what 3 things would you want with you?

      Ok, so today's COUNTDOWN TO CROSSING THE DEEP post is a bit different... and hopefully fun. In the book (coming out Oct. 9th :) ), Asher and Rachel are two teens on a church hiking trip that get lost in the woods. Rachel's mom was awesome (and a worrier) so she packed Rachel lots of survival things to get her though the hike like bottles of water, a few snacks, gloves, etc... and most importantly, her little purple Bible (wanna know why the Bible is so important? Guess you'll have to read it ;) )

      It got me thinking... what 3 things would you take if you knew you were going to be lost somewhere (anywhere really)?

      I'd take:

      *Pictures of my family:

      *My Little Blue Bible


      *Lots of flairs so I would be easier to find ;)

      What about you? What 3 things would you take if you were lost in the woods?

      5 MORE WEEKS!!!!
      (working on more edits :) )

    • Me... from A to Z

      Me... from A to Z
      Words on Paper

      Today is my first day participating in the MAYbe blog challenge (if you remember, I just finished the April blog challenge and the Bible in 90 day challenge-- I'm big on challenges... )

      Every day, we are supposed to write on a certain topic. Today's topic is: May I tell you something about myself?

      Well, I'm doing the 'easy' thing and doing Kelly-- A to Z...

      A is for Author (so do you actually have to have a book published to be called an 'author'?)

      B is for birthday (2/15)

      C is for Color, favorite (purple)

      D is for dancing (because it's what my oldest daughter is doing right now... )

      E is for enter (I love to enter writing contest and submit stories)

      F is for fanfics (yep, I used to write them... )

      G is for Google, Dr. (because I have ever ailment ever invented when I use that certain 'physician')

      H is for headache (when someone taps something repeatedly, it gives me a headache).

      I is for interesting. (which I'm sure... someone... somewhere... thinks I am... maybe... )

      J is for juggling (Mamas... and Daddys you know what I'm talking about.)

      K is for Kelly (my name).

      L is for lavender (a smell that makes me sneeze).

      M is for marriage (I've been married for almost 9 years... to the same feller)

      N is for "No." (Because I have an almost 2 year old).

      O is for October (my favorite month. I've always wanted a baby born in October-- alas I got pregnant in October-- twice.)

      P is for printer (because it was broke and I was all upset because I couldn't print my book-- turns out it had a Chex Mix stuck in it.)

      Q is for Quiet (because that's what it will be when my kids go to bed)

      R is for read (because it's something I want to do more of this summer).

      S is for special education (because I'm a special education preschool teacher).

      T is for three (because I have three kids)

      U is for unique (because I'm trying to break into Christian Young Adult novels-- one of the most unique ie small genres there is).

      V is for victory (because of Jesus)

      W is for write (have I mentioned I like to write?)

      X is for X-ray (because I've never had one.. unless you count ultrasounds).

      Y is for yellow (a color I don't like to wear).

      Z is for Zelda (because she zoomed off to Mars-- It's a song we sing at school).

      So... that's it.. me from A to Z. Next Tuesday, I'll have more about me.

      Wednesday's topic is: May I ask something about you?...

      So start thinking... ;)

      Much Love,

    • Tip # 61: Sneaky Effects

      Tip # 61: Sneaky Effects

      To me, there’re two types of photographers. There are those—like me—who prefer to spend their time before snapping a shot to make sure everything’s perfect. That’s when we’re at our creative best. We tend not to like wasting our time on Photoshop. But it’s during the post production work (editing) when the creativity of the second type of photographer really shines.

      So how did I turn the sky purple? Simple. I held a transparent piece of colored plastic in front of my camera lens. True, the Photoshop loving photographer would be able to create all kinds all different effects on her computer. But to each her own.

      So what kind of photographer are you?