Purple Prose [Search results for telling]
Emotion Behind Story: Part Two
On My Writerly Bookshelf: Show & Tell
On My Writerly Bookshelf: Going Deep
Showing Your True Emotions
The Pathway to Showing Emotion
Removing the Clutter
Sweet Saturday Sample: Sloan Wasn't Always a 'Saint'
Mysterious Ways... (Brag on God Friday)
Bible in 90 Days: Week 8
"What is Love?" Bible Study: Week 2
Bible in 90 Days: Week 6 and 7... And a favor
My Fan Fiction Days...
So... we are being truthful here, right? Day 5
Jennifer Comeaux, Gorgeous Covers, and a giveaway!!!
Those Wise Characters
The Bomb From Becoming
ISWG: What If No One Likes It?
The Mysterious Voice
Voices in Your Head?