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  • Monday Kicks off the SAINT SLOAN blog tour :)

    Monday Kicks off the SAINT SLOAN blog tour :)
     photo 2c7d825a-2b81-4b8c-9a78-d9fa380f0288_zps439e8420.jpg

    I'm so excited to announce that Monday will begin a one week blog tour for SAINT SLOAN put together by the AMAZING Megan from Reading Away the Days.

    I'm so excited for this tour because these are blogs I've never visited before and can't wait to find new favorite places on the web. We will have reviews and book spotlights. I haven't read the reviews yet, so it promises to be an interesting week ;)

    ALSO, I'm so excited and nervous because May the 10th, the winners of the Grace Awards will be announced!! (*squee*) Crossing the Deep is up against two amazing books and it truly is an honor just to be nominated... however... I've never got to say an acceptance speech so I'd love to win and type one out to put on the blog lol. (Who am I kidding? I'll probably write one anyway ;) )

    AND Crossing the Deep is #13 in Teen Religion on Amazon today!!! I nearly fell over. It has never been so high in ranks! Head over and check out what the fuss is about.

    Here is the blog tour schedule for next week! HUGE thanks to Megan for setting this up. If you have a YA book, I highly recommend her :)

    Saint Sloan Blog Tour Schedule 6th May- Book Spotlight @ http://www.bethannmasarik.com/
    7th May- Review @ http://www.sheiladeeth.blogspot.com/
    8th May- Review @ http://www.authorstowatch.com/
    9th May- Review & Excerpt @ http://www.fatedparanormals.blogspot.com/
    10th May- Review @ http://www.mydevotionalthoughts.com/
    11th May- Book Spotlight @ http://www.readingawaythedays.blogspot.com/
    12th May- Review @ http://justinevandale.blogspot.co.uk/ Giveaway- Win a $25 Amazon Giftcard
    Giveaway is open to everyone that can receive amazon giftcards
    Giveaway Ends 31st May 2013
    Giveaway will be put on all blog stops!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Megan McDade http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.com - YA review blog http://readingawaythedaysblogtours.blogspot.co.uk/ - FREE YA blog tours available
    TWITTER: @Teamwolf1988

  • Blog Tour Has Come to an End :(

    Blog Tour Has Come to an End :(

    It's a little bittersweet. About a month ago, I started contacting blogs to see if I could possibly add them to my CROSSING THE DEEP book blog tour. Every blog, except maybe three that I never expected to answer anyway, either said they would OR they would do facebook/twitter posts.

    All in all, I had EIGHTEEN blog stops! *thud*

    Thanks to all of the blogs, the people who have put up with me for the past 2 weeks on this book blitz, readers, people who comment, buyers of the book, etc. It has been a pretty special 2 weeks for me.
    Here is a list of the participating blogs. Please go over and show them some love :)
    Oct. 8th
    Mom's Tool Box (How the Bible in 90 Days program Influenced me to write the book)

    Oct. 9th:
    Shakin' the Foundation (Questioning your faith)
    Walking In Faith 4 Him (Forgiveness)
    A Word of Encouragement (Encouraging others)

    Oct. 10th:
    K.Victoria Chase (Author Interview)
    Sweet Blessings (If God gives you the passion, He will give you the time.)

    Oct. 11th:
    A Pause on the Path (Is your 'thing' what you expected?)
    Student, Mama, Cook (Time for yourself)
    A Song Along the Way (Young Adult Novels)

    Oct. 12th:
    She Fancied Herself a Writer (How to manage -semi- chaos)
    I Love Devotionals (Unto the End of the World)

    Oct. 15th:
    Undivided (When you see no way out)

    Oct. 16th:
    Do This in Remembrance of Me (Alone in a Crowded Room.. or Forest)
    Daily Surrender to Jesus (Author Interview)

    Oct. 17th:
    Imitation by Design (Why I write Christian Fiction for Young Adults)

    Oct. 18th:
    My Daily Walk in his Grace (When We Know Better)

    Oct. 19th:
    Just a Little Place to Write (A Wild and Crazy Ride to Publication)
    Keepin' It Real (Author Interview)

    ** THANKS TO LAURA from Beholding Glory and Cyndi from Walk in Grace and Beauty for tweeting and facebooking about the book release :)
    And, of course, it wouldn't be a book blitz without buy links ;)

    BUY LINKS: Amazon Barnes and Noble Astraea Press
    Wow! A great read for teens or adults. Wonderfully written. From a great start to a fantastic finish. I can't wait for her next book.-- Review from AMAZON Bought this book today and cannot put it down! I will be finished by tomorrow and I am so excited as each new chapter and character develops! -- Review from AMAZON Kelly Martin is an amazing author! She really sets the bar high for her first novel. I really enjoyed reading this book. The descriptions of the Smokies alone make you feel like you are right there with the characters. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more from her -- Review from Amazon ... If you enjoy fiction (and even if fiction isn't really you're thing) you'll be entertained by this young adult novel. I would certainly recommend it for any lover of a good action/adventure story. -- Review from AMAZON

    Crossing The Deep
  • Guest Post: Doing Kickass Author Interviews

    Guest Post: Doing Kickass Author Interviews

    for (var i = 0; i < ListCount ; i++) { GenerateNum(); document.write('

    © 2022 «Purple Prose»
  • Beyond a Doubt-- The End is here for The Renaissance Hearts Series (Felicia Rogers)

    Beyond a Doubt-- The End is here for The Renaissance Hearts Series (Felicia Rogers)

    Beyond A Doubt, The Renaissance Hearts Series, Book Four
    The end is finally here…
    The final chapter has been written for The Renaissance Hearts Series. What began with Sarra and Cedric in There Your Heart Will Be Also concludes with Bryce and Lucy in Beyond A Doubt. Set in the turbulent times of Mary I of England, or Bloody Mary, and Henry II of France, the fight for religious freedom abounds. Intrigue, loss of property, and loss of life rule the day. Follow the epic ending of a family’s struggle.
    Buy it Now on Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/c285w6u
    Buy it Now on B&N: http://tinyurl.com/d429lom

    Bryce Cameron is finally going home. Years spent away have him longing for the craggy landscapes from his childhood.

    Lucy Lombard is on a mission. The mantel she carries was never meant for her possession yet it has been passed to her anyway. Alone and in danger, Lucy stumbles onto her greatest find.

    Rescuing Bryce is either a blessing or a curse but regardless time is running out. With Bryce's help can Lucy fulfill her mission or will she be too late?
    **** See what others have said about the Renaissance Hearts Series.
    “I really enjoyed this book. I do not typically favor historical romance, but the romance was not too mushy, and the historical was not too heavy! This was an enjoyable, delightful read!!!.” Taken from Rachel’s Amazon review on There Your Heart Will Be Also, Book One.
    “If you are in for a good mystery with plenty of adventure, suspense & romance, you have come to the right place for this recommended novel because "By God's Grace" will give it all to you.” Taken from Arlena’s Amazon review of By God’s Grace, Book Two.
    “Okay have to say this is my fav book so far in The Renaissance Heart Series! Felicia Rogers just gets better!” Taken from Danielle William’s Amazon review of Labor of Love, Book Three.
    Buy Beyond A Doubt on Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/c285w6u
    Buy Beyond A Doubt on B&N: http://tinyurl.com/d429lom

    Don’t forget the other books in the series. Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Astraea Press. ~There Your Heart Will Be Also, Book One ~By God’s Grace, Book Two ~Labor of Love, Book Three
    ROMANCE AUTHOR Felicia Rogers

    Image of Felicia Rogers

    Felicia Rogers is an author of six novels and three novellas. When she's not writing, Felicia volunteers with the Girl Scouts of America, teaches at a local homeschooling group, hikes, and spends time with her family.
    To find out more information about Felicia Rogersvisit the sites below. She loves hearing from readers.

    Website: http://www.feliciarogersauthor.weebly.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FeliciaRogersAuthor Email: feliciarogersauthor@yahoo.com Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4412925.Felicia_Rogers
    Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift card to celebrate the release of my (Kelly's) new book Saint Sloan.. CLICK HERE.. ALSO, check out THIS post to win one of 2 free ebooks from NYT bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken (well, one from her... one from me ;) )

  • 4 Cup Review from Coffee Time Romance!

    4 Cup Review from Coffee Time Romance!

    I'm so excited that CROSSING THE DEEP got a wonderful 4 cup review from Coffee Time Romance!!

    ... Crossing The Deep takes you on a journey that is filled with questions and trials that many of us face; from guilt, to questioning faith, to finding the positive in tragedy; all of which makes for a great read. You should grab a copy for yourself.-- Matilda
    Plus there is a lot more to the review. Click on the quote to take you to the original. I'm so excited! Please, check it out :)

  • Spreading the Awesome (book review & contest)

    Spreading the Awesome (book review & contest)

    As promised, today is SPREADING THE AWESOME. Over 60 writers are reviewing books they love so much, they gave them a 10 star rating. So here’s my review for the YA contemporary novel, Twenty Boy Summer, by debut author Sarah Ockler.

    Book blurb: According to Anna’s best friend, Frankie, twenty days in Zanzibar Bay is the perfect opportunity to have a summer fling, and if they meet one boy every day, there’s a pretty good chance Anna will find her first summer romance. Anna light-heartedly agrees to the game, but there’s something she hasn’t told Frankie—she’s already had her romance, and it was with Frankie’s older brother, Matt, just before his tragic death one year ago.

    First line: Frankie Perino and I were lucky that day.

    Anna had been in love with Matt since she was ten and he was twelve, though no one knew that, including her best friend, Frankie. But on Anna’s fifteenth birthday, her birthday wish finally came true, and Matt moved from being her best-friend-that’s-a-boy to something more special. Because he wasn’t sure how his sister, Frankie, would take the news. He asked Anna not to say anything. He would tell Frankie during the annual family trip to Zanzibar Bay, the following month. But he never had the chance. He died in a car accident.

    Anna is left grieving, and unable to tell anyone the truth. Instead, she writes in her journal letters to Matt even though she knows he’ll never read them, and relieves the memories of the month before he died.

    Twenty Boy Summer is a beautifully written story, which I had a hard time putting down. It’s a great example of how to write emotions that leave the reader feeling the joy and pain of the main character. How does Sarah do it? She frequently juxtaposes sadness against humor, a technique that works extremely well. When Anna blinks back the tears, so do I. The characterization is strong, and the ways the different characters deal with their grief is believable.

    While there are places where you feel Anna’s pain, not to mention her frustration at keeping the secret from her best friend, it really isn’t a sad story. (Okay, I did go through a number of Kleenexes, but there was no major sobbing involved.) Anna wants to move on and help Frankie move on, too. And although she harbors a fear that she’ll forget Matt, something she never wants to do, a romance does develop between her a local boy. And yes, the romance is so worth it. I mean, really, who wouldn’t want to date Sam?

    For those of you who aren’t into books loaded with diary entries, this book’s for you. We only see a few of the letters Anna writes to Matt. Most of the details about the month before he dies comes from Anna’s memories . . . including the delicious kiss. Trust me, it was really delicious. Blue-frosting delicious.

    The paperback version came out this weekend. I have a copy for some lucky follower who lets me know in the comments that they want to win it. You get an extra entry if you tweet about the contest (please include your Twitter @). You have until Thursday May 6th at 11:59 pm EST. I'll announce the winner during this week's Cool Links Friday.

    The next stop on the SPREADING THE AWESOME tour is Janna Qualman’s blog. Check out her review for Second Honeymoon (adult) by Joanna Trollope. For you YA lovers, there’re still plenty more novels being reviewed today. And more chances to win great books.
    I’m off now to check out some more reviews. *winks*

  • Social Media Just for Writers

    Social Media Just for Writers

    It doesn’t matter if your books are traditionally published or self-published (or both), you’re the main force responsible for marketing them. One of the best forms of marketing available is social media. But with so many different ones available, how do we know which will benefit us the most when promoting our books, and how do use them for maximum benefit?

    In her book Social Media Just for Writers, Frances Caballo focuses on several popular social media sites*. She explains how each one works and the ins and outs of them, provides step-by-step instructions for setting them up (including screen shots so you know what she’s talking about), and shares tips for promoting your books through the individual sites. Her advice is sound and I liked that she’s against spamming. She warns you when certain activities are considered spamming. Some of this is subjective. There are a few things that she suggested that I prefer authors don’t do. For example, I’m tired of the countless number of Facebook or Goodreads event invites that land in my inbox. Most are deleted unread.

    One thing I appreciated with this book is the easy to follow format. This is perfect if you are not technically inclined. Also, Frances includes lists of apps for each of the social media sites and explains the pros and cons of them. Until Social Media Just for Writers, I didn’t realize there were so many of them. For those of you who blog, there is a list of resources you can use for locating royalty free photos. This is very important if you don’t want to end up being sued by the owner of copyrighted material.

    In addition to the chapters on social media, there is a chapter on offline promotion with some helpful suggestions. A glossary has also been included to make your life easier when figuring out the different terms associated with the different social media sites.

    Overall, I loved this book and am thankful I had the opportunity to review it. I recommend it to everyone who is a writer, no matter where they are in the publication process. The sooner you get started being seen the better.

    Have you read any social media how-to books created for writers? What forms of social networking do you enjoying using?

    I’d like to thank Frances Caballo for sending me a copy of Social Media Just for Writers: The Best Online Marketing Tips for Selling Your Books for an unbiased review.

    *The following are covered in the book: Facebook, Facebook author pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Picasso and Pinterest, and blogs. Unfortunately she doesn’t cover Tumblr, which is now popular with teens.

    GIVEAWAY: If you are interested in winning a copy of the book and live in the USA, please let me know in the comments. And make sure you include your email address if it isn’t attached to your blog account.

  • On My Writerly Bookshelf: Publishing and Promoting Your Book

    On My Writerly Bookshelf: Publishing and Promoting Your Book

    For many writers, once we’ve made the decision to pursue a writing career, we become so focused on finishing our book, we often don’t think about what comes afterwards. And with more options available to us than a few years ago, it’s important that we look at the big picture, no matter where we are in the pursuit of publication.

    How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now! By L. Diane Wolfe is a thorough guide that will benefit writers, no matter where they are in the writing process. It covers everything you could possibility want to know about writing and beyond. In total, there are eighty-four chapters, each ranging between two to three pages. Topics cover all aspects of traditional and self publishing, social networking, marketing, and promotion. And with each topic, the book explains everything you need to know so that you can make the choices that are right for you and your project.

    Chapters include:

    • Pros and Cons of Traditional Publishing

    • Going the Traditional Route

    • Business Setup (i.e. what you need to know if you’re self publishing)

    • Developing a Website

    • The Media

    • Reviewers

    • Where to Send Review Copies

    • What to Expect From Reviews

    • Newsletters

    Because each chapter is short, you won’t find the level of information that you might find in a book or online workshop focused on that specific topic (for example, writing newsletters). But it is a great resource for figuring out what you need to do to succeed. The book is also filled with links you can click on for additional information on various topics. This makes the book invaluable, regardless of which publishing route you choose.

    Have you thought much about promotion, regardless of where you are on the publishing path? (and that includes those of you writing the first draft of your first novel).

    Note: I’d like to thank L.Diane Wolfe’s publisher for providing me a copy of the book for the review.

    Available February 5, 2012
    Publishing/Marketing, 214 pages
    $14.95 Trade paperback ISBN 978-0-9827139-5-2
    $4.99 Ebook ISBN 978-0-9827139-9-0
    Available in all Ebook formats

    Barnes and Noble -
    Amazon -
    Amazon Kindle -

  • Book Review: Rafael by K. Victoria Chase

    Book Review: Rafael by K. Victoria Chase

    Friends, I don't normally do book reviews, but I thought I'd start. I love reading 'clean' fiction (meaning no bad words or, as my publisher calls it pink parts... you can figure that part out on your own ;) )

    I haven't decided if I'm going to do one a month, two a month, or every week... probably not every week.

    But I wanted to start off with a book I really enjoyed. It's called RAFAEL by K. Victoria Chase.

    Rafael by K. Victoria Chase

    (ain't that cover awesome? :) )
    K. Victoria Chase sent me this book for free to review-- however, I kinda lost it. I loved it so much that I went ahead and bought it for my e-reader. Folks, that's love of a book!

    The basic plot is Genie Green is a detective-- and a scorned woman. *Something* has happened to cause her not only to not trust men, but to have serious issues with God.
    A particularly perplexing case falls in her lap, bringing with it Rafael Santiago from California. He's helping her on the case, and she's not happy about at all. It's not just because he's a man but because he was also a member of the Snakes-- the gang supposedly connected to the seemingly random murders.
    Genie doesn't know if she can trust Rafael. His 'former bad boy with a heart of gold' routine might be an act, but there is something about him: something passed his good looks and sweet personality that makes her trust him (whether she wants to or not).
    I absolutely loved this book. I wanted so badly for it to be in paperback so I could flip to the end (yeah, I know you can do that on a nook, but I don't exactly know how lol.)

    Rafael is an absolute charmer (but not in a swarmy way). He knows who he is, what he is, and all about his past, but he doesn't let that define him. And he loves his Mama (come on, girls... let's all sigh at that :) ).

    Genie is as hardheaded as she can be. She has her reasons. She's a woman in a man's world, and she wants to advance through the ranks to eventually be in the FBI. She sees Rafael as someone blocking that goal, so she's not entirely thrilled with him.

    I'm not going to lie, this book didn't end the way I thought it would. That's not a bad thing either.

    The writing about the crime/murders was very realistic, most likely due to the fact that Ms. Chase works in law enforcement. The characters are believable, flawed, and have the same questions about life we all have.

    And the kisses... oh the kisses... they are pretty hot as well :)

    I give Rafael 5 out of 5 stars.

    Here is a little preview. I love these 2 together:

    “Wow. You know, you have a real talent with women.” Rafa gave her a sideways glance but didn’t answer. She saw the corners of his mouth fight an upward pull. “I bet they have you working all the female subject interviews.” Genie tugged hard on the door handle. “You don’t have to be jealous Genie,” came his smooth reply. “Jealous? Ha! Why would I be jealous of her? Over you?” She got in and slammed the door closed. Rafa slid effortlessly into the seat, calmly closed the door, and jerked his seatbelt on when the car surged forward. Genie nearly forgot to brief the surveillance team, and she whipped the vehicle around and pulled alongside the other car. She rolled down her window. “Let’s give it another day fellas. I’ll let the Lieutenant know and if there is any change to the plan, then we’ll give you a call. Until then, your relief will come as scheduled.” They nodded in affirmation, and Genie drove away. “Watch your speed,” Rafa teased. “My speed? What about your speed?” “Myspeed?” His voice feigned innocence to her insinuation. “In another minute Ms. Flores Cera would have forgone the call and invited you in. I’m sure she could whip up some fajitas and rice in no time.” Rafa roared with laughter. “Do you hear yourself? Fajitas and rice? Who knew Ms. Church could toss around stereotypes.” Genie blinked. Did she truly say that? Shame swept through her. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. “That was unkind. I don’t know what I was thinking.” “I do.” Genie heard the smile in his voice. She wasn’t jealous. She. Wasn’t. Jealous.

    Barnes & Noble
    Astraea Press


  • Product Review~ "Diaper Bags"

    Product Review~ "Diaper Bags"

    Ok, so this isn't a "Produce Review" per sa. It's more of a Tip from a Mom who wishes she had gotten a clue 3 kids ago!

    I'll admit to having a bit of a diaper bag love. I love looking at them. Before my first daughter was born, I remember going and looking at the selections at various stores. Did I want the geometric "trendy" bag or was I going to go more with the kiddy theme of Winnie The Pooh?

    Through 3 kids, I've had 4 diaper bags so far.. which isn't horrible, but I probably could have saved money and kept the same one through all of my kids (but my first one which was oh so cute... wish I had a picture... was cloth and sadly didn't survive dear daughter #1's year of Acid Reflux... )

    I found some bags from different places that I thought I'd post. These are super cute. Bags that we are used to seeing... The "traditional" side carry style...

    From http://www.jcpenney.com/...

    Carter's® Grey and Blue Dot Diaper Bag
    Carters® Floral Hobo Diaper Bag
    Okie Dokie® Bue Zoo Animal Diaper Bag
    Carter's® Pink Floral Tote

    Then if you didn't want to look like you were actually carrying a diaper bag, but a purse, then you have this option...

    From http://www.sears.com/


    However, something happened this weekend which totally threw me and my diaper bags for a loop. We went on our first vacation and heck if we didn't the baby with us. She is 10 months old... cute as can be (if I do say so myself lol) and in need of lots and LOTS of things for a 2 day trip. I knew we were going to be doing a lot of walking and didn't have it in me to carry her bunky bag...

    THIS is her diaper bag...

    Pretty Baby Diaper Bag Tote, Pink and Brown

    I love it... well I used to love it. Its from Wal-mart. Easy to wash because, sadly, Dear Daughter #3 is a big of a spitter-upper too. BUT man, I didn't want to lug this thing everywhere for a 2 day trip!!!

    What to do?

    Well, yeah, I finally got smart...

    Flashback: I remember when I had my first daughter, the hospital gave me a "diaper bag" with formula, coupons, etc in it... and it was a *drum roll please* a backpack style! Now, it was too little and I never used it (it is in fact sitting in my bedroom right now), but the idea of it popped in my head while I was getting ready for our vacation.

    NOW, I realize that most of you are way ahead of me in the thinking department and have probably already had this epiphany. I, however, am sharing this with those who might have not.

    I didn't buy a "diaper bag" for the trip. I bought an actual backpack. One with 2 mesh pockets on the side where you can keep drinks... or... bottles!

    A few examples from http://www.kmart.com/ are below...

    Mine was $9.99 I believe from Wal-mart, but you can go as high or as low as you want. They even have some really really REALLY cute ones at http://www.diaperbags.com/ but they can be high. They have all different styles from shoulder carry to back carry to messenger carry... I'd show a picture, but they won't let me copy...

    So, I have to say that the backpack style "diaper bag" was the most useful bag ever. It was easy to carry, not near as bulky, everything was in a more orderly fashion... I'm sure I got looks, but I don't care... I'm a mother, I'm used to it.

    I did take ole faithful diaper bag (aka the pink side carry) with us, but used it as a suitcase. I think it has been replaced with the backpack. I TOTALLY wish I had known about this when my first daughter was a baby. My life would have been (at least a little) better. :)

    So, that is your Mommy Tip... backpack style diaper bags!!!

    Don't forget... Quest #2 The Big Toy Purge is due by Friday!!! I'm going to have to get on this one because we have been on vacation all week AND we just had the bright idea to paint our bathroom which includes taking down old wallpaper... BUT I will get the toys decluttered and show my progress on Friday! Please join me... I need some encouragement. Also, if you have an idea for a Quest for us to do, please leave a comment. I have the summer mapped out, but it is totally flexible.

    Much love and Happy Cleaning!


  • Books and Their Movie Adaptations...

    Books and Their Movie Adaptations...

    Today, we are talking about movies made out of books. I'd love for Crossing the Deep to be a movie someday. IMO, it would make a good one :)

    Available NOW: $2.99

    A few days ago, I bought Beastly because it was on sale (I know) and started reading it. I'd seen the movie, never read the book. The book starts out a bit... differently from the movie. So far, though, I'm liking it a lot. (It's kinda ironic to me, though that the 'fat witch' in the book is played by a rail thin Olsen sister in the movie).

    But this isn't a review of Beastly or Twilight or Harry Potter or The Green Mile or Shutter Island or anything like that. It's strictly book vs. movie. Which do you generally like better?

    Here are my thoughts: (The bold titles link to where you can buy the books on Amazon :) )

    Twilight: Book better
    New Moon: Book better
    Eclipse: Book better (I sense a theme)
    Breaking Dawn pt 1-2: Movie better (but saying that, I was team Jacob, it's hard to really get into Breaking Dawn if you're Team Jacob lol. Not a bad book, though.)

    Shutter Island: Probably liked the book better. To me, it was easier reading about it than actually seeing it on screen. Leonardo Dicaprio and Michelle Williams did a great job, though.

    The Green Mile: Never watched the movie nor read the book.

    It and The Stand: (Can I just say the Kindle cover of IT makes my hair stand on end... Pennywise... EEK!) I like the movies better. I tried to read the books, but couldn't get into them I think I just have a block with Stephen King, though. Nothing against him or his writing. My sister loves his books. I love the ideas behind them.

    So there you have my very limited assessment of Movie vs. Book. I've never read Harry Potter and have only seen 1 of the movies, so I'm not the best to determine which I like better.

    You're turn. Book vs. Movie. Of the ones you've seen/read, which did you enjoy more?

  • But Wait... There's More :)

    But Wait... There's More :)

    If (by chance) I get top 10 in any category on Amazon, I'll giveaway a $25 gift card on the blog to say thanks. ♥ A chance for free money AND a cartwheel (from me no less)... what's not to like ;)

    But I need your help! Spread the word about
    the book. If you've read it, please leave a review. Recommend it to your friends (heck, even your enemies ;) ). I'd love for this story to be read by and touch as many people as it can ♥ Teen/Christian fiction rocks! :) (and it does actually exist :) )

    Have a great weekend, friends :) Tomorrow, is my sweet Saturday Snippet. Not sure which story I'm going to use though... Hmm...

    Much Love,


    Crossing The Deep


    Also available on Barnes and Nobel and Astraea Press.com

  • ... The Memory of a Gnat

    "What is Love?" Bible Study Week 6: The Memory of a Gnat
    Verse for the week: 1 Corinthians 13:5 (Love is not..) rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.

    A few months ago on one of my blogs, we were talking about holding our tongues-- watching what we say. One lady commented that it would be awesome if we had one of those time delay devices like they use for 'live' tv programs (you know, since the Super Bowl 'malfunction' of '04).
    We could say something, hear how rude or ugly it really sounded, and hit edit before the other person heard it.
    THAT, my friends, would be awesome!!
    No harm, no foul.
    And no one would have to eat the proverbial crow when they say something stupid.
    Unfortunately, we don't have that kind of personal technology. We only have our own flawed selves to edit our words--- and that can cause problems at times (Uh-oh!)
    So, what does all of this have to do with anything??? Read on...
    This week, we are focusing on 1 Corinthians 13-5. But before we get to that, there are 2 verses from our homework that we really need to learn about so we can discuss 13:5 more productively (that's why we do daily verses, you know ;) )
    The first verse is 1 Corinthians 10:24 -- Don't be concerned for your own good, but for the good of others.
    What did you get out of that verse?
    That verse (in the context of the other verses) is talking about people who don't believe exactly as you do-- and that you shouldn't argue over 'trivial' things. We shouldn't demand or order others to believe exactly like we do. As long as they believe in Jesus and that he is the Savior-- then they are your brothers and sisters--- even if they don't play the kind of music you like at their church.
    It doesn't really matter if they believe you have to be baptised--- or color your hair blue-- there is no need to demand they believe like you (like I said, as long as they believe and have accepted Jesus as their Savior). The Bible is your personal relationship with God-- we all read it and get things out of it differently. Churches are all the time dividing because of differing beliefs instead of coming together to win others to Jesus. The Devil is a 'Divide and Conquor' type of dude.
    The second verse I want us to look at is Hebrews 10:17-18-- Then He says, "I will never again remember their sins and lawless deeds. And when sins have been forgiven, there is no need to offer any more sacrifices."
    Once we truly and sincerely ask God for forgiveness, He forgives AND forgets the sin, like it never happened-- And He never brings it up again.
    Um-- yeah, we aren't like that sometimes.
    We *should* be, but we aren't.
    Even when you don't mean to ever mention it again, sometimes anger (or foolishness) gets the best of you and the words either slip out OR they pop back up in your mind and you get upset all over again (and in marriages a lot the person doesn't even know why you are mad-- again).
    Ok, that brings us to this week's verse (you can review it at the top of this page if you want).
    This is going to be another week of "Slap ye ole Kelly upside the head." lol
    Last week, we learned 2 things love IS (patient and kind) and 3 things love is NOT (boastful, jealous, and proud).
    Today, we are going to add to our list...
    *Love is not Rude*
    If you go back and look at the scenario at the beginning of this post, you see it deals with being rude-- speaking before you think can result in being/acting very rude.
    Notebook Question: Ok, be honest, who are you the most rude to in your life? Why do you think that is the case?
    Are you more rude to a stranger or to your own family?
    Do you go out of your way to be 'kind' to influential people and get more irritated with people who can help you get ahead?
    Look back at your notebook question answer: Who do you get rude to the most?
    In my case, it is probably my husband (poor man). I get irritated because he doesn't live up to my idea of 'perfection' (ie he can't read my mind and know exactly what I want-- when I want it--) Lets face it-- that is why we get annoyed with people-- because in some way they haven't lived up to what we expect them to be/do. And that isn't their fault. It's ours because we have unrealistic expectations.
    Paul's "True Love" says that even if we are annoyed beyond belief (did he REALLY just dirty another dish RIGHT after I started the dishwasher?!?) we shouldn't be snippy or rude when we confront them.
    That. Is. Hard!
    Now, that doesn't mean that we can't confront them-- just that we need to be calm when we do.
    If someone is annoying us, we have the option of saying something to them. In fact, that is a much better option than letting it fester inside until it turns into anger (a very dangerous emotion).
    What is the old saying? You can get more bears with honey. When you are rude or demanding, that automatically puts the other person on the defensive and your words are met on deaf ears-- THEN you have a fight on your hands.
    My husband, bless him, has a tendency to walk away when we have arguments. It drives me crazy! *I* have things I need to say--- loudly and with vigor--

    It is better to walk away when you are mad like that...
    Cool off.
    And then talk later when you have cooled off.
    We women know that there are certain times when we are more irritable than others (I know I am). it's so easy to use that as an excuse to say "You know what, MAN!? I have PMS. I'm bloated. I feel like heck... I'm going to be as angry as I want to be and you'd better just look out!"
    (Can you tell that I *might* have said that once... or twice... in my life ;) )
    But that isn't showing love. I guess you kinda are since you are giving fair warning-- but not really. Sometimes we get in those moods when we just want to be mad-- so we are mad--- and then we have to apologizes for it later (Something that is necessary, but not necessarily any fun.). Personally, I don't think crow tastes very good...
    Notebook question: In what ways does the one person you are rude with the most push your buttons? How can you deal with it through love (so next time you can have a game plan)
    *Love Doesn't Demand its Own Way/Keeps No Record of Being Wronged*
    Oh--- how many times have we gotten tired or irritated with someone because we DEMANDED they do something-- but they didn't do it our way?
    They are pretty much darned if they do-- darned if they don't. A no win situation for them as it were.
    "True love" doesn't demand. It accepts that there are different ways to add 3+2-- or hang a picture-- or fold clothes...
    When we finally accept that, we have one less thing to aggravate us (HUZZAH!)
    It is not easy, and we aren't going to be perfect at it. But the point of it is that we try.
    *and Lastly, it Doesn't Keep Records of Wrongs*
    As we learned in Hebrews 10:17-18. God is perfect at this. We-- not so much.
    The Devil is awesome at planting or picking at our memories-- bringing the ones we'd rather not remember back to our mind-- making all of those emotions come flooding back.
    We need to tell the Devil to leave us alone-- and we need to strive to be more like God.
    During 'disagreements' it isn't productive to say things like "You always--" or "you never--". NO ONE 'Always' or 'Never' anything. Those types of generalizations hurt and keep arguments going and even stoke the fire.
    In conclusion, if you wouldn't be rude to a stranger, don't be rude to the people closest to you in your life. If someone is truly sorry for something, stop bringing it back up. It is only living in the past and I dare say we have things in the past we aren't proud of either. The world is full of negative people. Lets try to be throw some kindness in there. :) Lets show others by our actions (and our words) that we love them.
    Notebook Question: Look back over today's lesson, which area do you feel you are the best at? Which one do you need work on, and how can you do that?
    Verses for next week:
    Tuesday~ 2 Thessalonians 2:12
    Wednesday~ Romans 2:8
    Thursday~ James 4:12
    Friday~ Romans 14:10
    Saturday~ 1 Corinthians 13:6-- It does not rejoice about injustice, but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
    Have a great week :) Kelly  

  • North of Beautiful

    North of Beautiful

    Book blurb: It’s hard not to notice Terra Cooper. She’s tall, blond, and has an enviable body. But with one turn of her cheek, all people notice is her unmistakably “flawed” face. Terra secretly plans to leave her small, stifling town in the Northwest and escape to an East Coast college, but gets pushed off-course by her controlling father. When an unexpected collision puts Terra directly in Jacob’s path, the handsome but quirky Goth boy immediately challenges her assumptions about herself and her life, and she is forced in yet another direction. With her carefully laid plans disrupted, will Terra be able to find he true path?

    Writers, did you notice her great hook? So simple yet it grabs your attention. Okay, since this is a book review and not a post about query writing, time to move on.

    North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley is a powerful story about a teen’s search for the definition of beauty, something you’d have expected Terra to know about considering she’s an artist. But even that she questions. Her father is a map maker, which has influenced Terra’s art. Because of this, Justina infuses the prose with metaphors linked to maps and geocaching. I’m jealous at how effortless she makes it look. For those of us unfamiliar with the terms, they’re explained through the narration, but not once did they slow the pace. I highly recommend the book for anyone attempting to do the same with their novels. It inspired me to use imagery related to competitive swimming in my story, something I hadn’t even thought about doing before reading North of Beautiful.

    While the story explores the definition of beauty, it also shows the destructive power of verbal abuse and how inner strength can come from the most unlikely places. For those of us who live for romance (yep, me), you won’t be disappointed. There’s a love triangle involving Jacob and Terra’s boyfriend, who has never seen her without her thick layers of makeup.

    Overall, I enjoyed the story even though I’m not a huge fan of literary YA. But I do love Sarah Dessen and Kirkus wrote that Sarah might have met her match in Justina. Okay, I’ll admit, that’s why I bought the book, though I don’t think you can really compare the two authors.

  • "What is Love?" Bible Study: Week 2

    Week 2: Charlie Brown’s Teacher
    Well!!?! How was it? How did your first week’s homework go? Was the SOAP method useful to you? Did you learn anything exciting from the verses you were supposed to study?
    I pray you did because those verses are key in studying this week’s verse: The first ‘official’ one in this study. 1 Corinthians 13:1.
    Because I grew up in a church were we read it from the King James’ Version, I’m going to put that one on here as well… BUT *I* personally understand the New Living Translation version better so that’s the one I use when I read. So I’m also going to add that as well. 1 Corinthians 13:1 (KJV)
    Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity. I am become as sounding brass or a tickling cymbal.

    1 Corinthians 13:1 (NLT)
    If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

    Notebook Question : (The easiest one you will have to answer this entire Bible Study) What is charity? ____________________

    When I was little, we used to do responsive readings to this book at church as part of our worship service. I could tell you the verses forwards and backwards, but I couldn’t really tell you what they meant. Through my young eyes, I thought ‘charity’ meant the Goodwill or giving money to “Just Say No” (Nancy Reagan was big on that, you know.).
    As I got older, of course, I realized that charity and love meant the same thing. Most people don’t give to get a reward….. Most give with love in their heart (I say ‘most’ because ‘some’ people give with “tax deduction” in their heart.)

    In the course of our study, I’ll use the word ‘Love’ mostly, but ‘charity’ might slip in there sometimes.

    Let’s get on into this further…

    Notebook Question: Please write this week’s verse in your own words in the notebook.
    So, in my version of the verse (now be warned, Paul speaks Southern English in my head… and, side note, King David sounds like Will Scarlet from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves when I read it… weird!... Anyway) Paul says basically, “If I was smart and could understand every language on earth and heaven, but didn’t love other people, what good would it be? Only annoying noise with no purpose… Like Charlie Brown’s teacher.”

    You all know the teacher from the Charlie Brown cartoon, right? She was the faceless voice that went “Wha Wha Wha WhaWha Wha.” That’s what we sound like when we have all this knowledge, but no love to go with it. Our words have no meaning.

    Have you ever sat next to a clanging cymbal? I have to say, it can get on your nerves. The constant high pitched ringing, nerve grating rhythm (I can’t stand constant rhythm like finger or toe tapping… yesh) wouldn’t be a pleasant noise. NOR would you be able to get anything out if. Worthless.
    That’s what knowledge without love is.
    I mean, just imagine. You have knowledge of ‘something’… doesn’t matter what. You prepare. You know your subject. You are ready, but you don’t want to be there. You’d rather be anywhere else. You don’t love these people and don’t care about what you are telling them.

    You go in front of everyone….. You have your big important things to say written down… but your mind is anywhere else. You open your mouth to speak and

    *Insert Cymbals Crashing… Loudly….. continually*

    All your beautiful words, all your eloquent soliloquies, reduced to the sound of non-understandable gibberish, Aka Charlie Brown’s Teacher.

    Tell me what anyone would get out of that? Right, nothing!

    Have you ever heard a speaker (or teacher.. or preacher… anyone) who you knew didn’t have love in his/her heart? Of course, actual words came out of his/her mouth, but the effect was the same as the example above. The message didn’t reach you. All you heard was “Wha Wha wha wha.” All of the pretty words might have been there, but you didn’t receive them because all YOU heard was loud, crashing, non-important cymbals crashing.

    Did a lot of good, didn’t it?

    Why do we need to learn what love is? Why do we need to learn who and how to love? Because we don’t want our words to be meaningless. We don’t want our messages to people to be perceived as unimportant and annoying as clanging cymbals. We want to love others so that our words shine with that love, that respect, and that desire to help others.

    Notebook Question: **Do you think that people can tell if you are doing something out of responsibility or out of love? How? What ways can we show love by our actions?
    Verses for the Week:
    Here are the verses to complete the SOAP method on (refer to the Bible study Introduction if you are unsure what SOAP is) for the week to get us ready for next week! J
    Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 12:9
    Wednesday: Galatians 3:5
    Thursday: Matthew 17:20
    Friday: Philippians 2:2
    Saturday: 1 Corinthians 13:2
    Sunday: Review verses for tomorrow
    Much Love, Kelly

  • Edit Smartly

    Edit Smartly

    Typically, I blog about writing craft books I love. Today I want to review SmartEdit, a free editing software program that I recently tried out.

    After I copied and pasted my manuscript into the document window, the program generated several lists, including clichés and adverbs used, and words and phrases used more than twice (you can adjust the frequency setting). While I checked out each cliché and adverb indentified, I limited my search of crutch words and phrases to those that were overly used or were unique enough to be noticeable when mentioned more than once or twice. Otherwise, I could have spent a year trying to fix something that wasn’t a wreck, or end up writing out my voice.

    I didn’t use the program quite as suggested. I identified what word or phrase I wanted to search for in my document. After using the FIND function in Word, I then edited the word or phrase in my document (instead of in SmartEdit). It made more sense doing it that way.

    I had trouble loading my document onto SmartEdit. According to the website, you save your manuscript as a text file and load it onto SmartEdit. It didn’t work for me. I had to copy and paste the entire document into the program for it to work. What the website also doesn’t mention is that you have to open your analysis in Word after you close SmartEdit. You can still use the lists in SmartEdit after you generate them, but you have to copy and paste and generate the list again if you close the program without saving the analysis first. Another thing I recommend doing is after you open the text file, save it as a .doc or .docx file. That way you can place a bookmark at the last place you were at when you have to stop working on your edits. You can’t bookmark a text file.

    Overall, I loved SmartEdit and recommend it to anyone who writes.

    Have you tried SmartEdit or one of the other similar editing software programs available?

    (edit: two writers have mentioned that their virus protection software won't allow them to download the program. This is a recent issue. I use the same security software and it didn't have an issue with it at the time I downloaded the program.)

  • ~Product Review... Crayola Color Bubbles~

    ~Product Review... Crayola Color Bubbles~

    My middle child loves bubbles so imagine my excitement when I saw a commercial for this...
    Crayola Colored Bubbles!

    I mean, HUZZAH, right? Colored Bubbles! My daughter would be in total bliss.

    So, this Easter, "The Bunny" brought her the colored bubble set with sidewalk chalk...


    She was very excited so we went outside to play after church... and the excitment faded.

    Two of the big selling points to the colored bubbles (besides the colors obviously) are: 1. They are washable. 2. They are in spill proof bottles.

    Both claims I found to be false.

    Exhibit A:


    This is my daughter's shirt (I was smart enough to let her wear one of her Daddy's old white ones) after the bubbles... that's fine. I expected a mess... I mean 'colored bubbles' after all...

    However, after I washed the shirt right after we got back in...


    The stains are there... they aren't bad stains, but if she had been wearing one of her shirts and not one of her Daddy's then I would have been kinda angry. Part of it is my fault. I read AFTERWARDS that I was supposed to wash in hot water (I always wash in cold). I'm unsure if that would have helped or not... so that may be my error and not the company...

    But not this one...

    Exhibit B:

    Remember when I said one of the claims was "Spill Proof Bottles"?



    This product was so messy and so messy that my kids didn't want to use it much. The bubble solution would come out of the 'spill proof top' when you were pulling the wand out and go all over them. Twice I heard, "Ew, Mama!" and looked and they had green or purple hands. I thought maybe I had made a mistake, and the product was for older kids... but no. The age for it is 3+ which they are. I even disliked how messy it was when I used it, and I was trying to be careful.

    Exhibit C:

    This isn't really a 'claim' and it DID say to test on the surface before you started, but really... I'm going to test it and wash it off while I have 2 young, excitable, hyped up on excitement and Easter candy waiting in the wings???? Yeah... I should have...


    The picture above is the 'before' shot which is perfectly fine because I expected the bubbles to make a mess when they popped... that was supposed to be the fun of it (although nothing really was fun about any of it).

    And here is the after...


    I washed... and washed... and washed... and washed... and washed with the hose and it wouldn't come off. The purple did really well which surprised me really because we had more trouble with the purple bottle than the green one. I can't say I'm exactly thrilled about the state of my carport right now.

    The bubbles were pretty. They didn't hang long and they seemed to be really heavy (I guess from the solution used). I liked the idea... but was very disappointed with the outcome. This won't be a product I buy in the future, and I hate that because I usually love Crayola products.

    Much Love,


  • First Line. Last Line

    First Line. Last Line

    Most of you have probably heard of Donald Maass’s book Writing The Breakout Novel. I ordered the workbook by the same name this weekend and, assuming it’s got some kickass advice, will review it in the New Year.

    In this post, I want to focus on his great advice from The Fire In Fiction: passion, purpose, and techniques to make your novel great. Seriously, what is it with all these incredibly long titles for non-fiction books about writing fiction? Geesh!

    We all know how important the first line is when the reader checks out the first page of a novel. I mean, who can resist first lines like these?:

    Phoebe and her friends held their breath as the dead girl in the plaid skirt walked past their table in the lunchroom. (Generation Dead by Daniel Waters)

    Even before he got electrocuted, Jason was having a rotten day. (The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan)

    Three things I know this second: I have morning breath, I’m naked, and I’m waking up next to a boy I don’t know. (The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney)

    There’s a big difference between death threats and love letters—even if the person writing the death threats still claims to actually love you. (Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead)

    We slave, we stress, we sweat, all while struggling to create that perfect first line. But according to Donald Maass, that’s not enough. The first and last line of each scene should be rocking. I know, you’re all groaning. Wasn’t perfecting the first line of the book bad enough? But it makes sense when you think about it. With the scene’s final line, you want to keep the reader from putting the book down. If the next scene has a great line like the first one of the book, then you’ve just enticed your reader to keep reading (assuming she’s enthralled with your story or her eyes lids haven’t drooped shut because it’s 2 am.)

    Now, the final line of each scene doesn’t have to be a cliff hanger, but it does have to leave the reader wanting more. Right? And I do think you have some leeway with the first sentences. They can’t all be as great as your first one. But it is worth the tears to make them as strong as you can.

    Has anyone tried this technique before, or is it something you haven’t given much thought to?

  • Books Books Books

    Books Books Books

    Other than a contract with a super cool literary agent, what’s the best gift to give a writer? Books. And lots of them. Or better yet, a gift card from your local bookstore.

    Unfortunately Santa isn’t an agent. Sigh. But fortunately my very astute husband bought me the much desired gift cards. So here’s a list of the upcoming books I’m eagerly awaiting (all are YA):

    • Handcuffs by Bethany Griffin (currently in the hands of Canada Post)

    • Parties and Potions by Sarah Mlynowski (also currently in the hands of Canada Post)

    • Fade by Lisa McMann (sequel to Wake)

    • Stargazer by Claudia Gray (sequel to Evernight)

    • City of Glass by Cassandra Clare (sequel to City of Bones & City of Ashes)

    • Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr (sequel to Wicked Lovely & Ink Exchange)

    And, of course, I’m always on the look out for other new teen books to add to this list.

    Stay tune for my review of Handcuffs within the next week or two.

    Until then…happy reading!


  • "WiL?" Bible Study Week 11

    "What is Love?" Bible Study

    Week 11

    A Know-It-All

    Verse for the week:
    1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see things imperfectly as a child. Puzzling reflections in the mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely.
    There are different times in our lives when we "know it all."
    *In grade school when we decide we really don't need homework any more because we have learned everything we need.
    *All (or at least most) teenagers think they have all the answers.
    *Then comes the 20s when we shake at our heads at our teenage selves because 'now' we do know it all... and we also scoff at parents (before we have kids) because we know all about how to parent.
    *Then we have our own kids and realize that we knew nothing... but now we do... (but not really)
    It's a vicous, vicous cycle...
    It's funny to go back and think of all the times we "knew it all"-- and horrifying to think that we really don't know as much as we think.
    The same is true with our spiritual lives. There are different times when we think we have God (or at least our faith) all figured out.
    But boy, do we ever find out quickly that we don't know or understand as much as we think we did.
    We know in part. God knows completely.
    We won't know everything until we get to Heaven.
    Notebook Question: Name a time when you thought you knew everything about something, but learned you were so, so, so wrong. How did you handle it?
    So... you are wondering what any of this has to do with love (seeing as that is what this study is over).
    Wel... just like life-- and God-- we think we understand love completely-- but just like life (and God) we only understand part of it. A tiny morsel.
    I will admit that I love my hsuband more now than I did when we got married. I 'thought' I loved him completely then, but its a different love now-- a more mature love. Love changes over time, as we understand more and live more.
    Someday we will understand all of the mysteries of the earth. "The glass darkly" will become bright and clear. When we get to Heaven, we will understand.
    The puzzle will be put together finally.
    There are some questions I'd love to have the answer too... some funny, some serious.
    God already understands us completely. Back to my husband, I love him, but he does some things that I don't understand... as I know I do some things he doesn't understand. But God know why we do what we do. He knows why our spouses do what that do. We can't hide anything from him.
    One day, we will understand everything and everyone too. We will accept each other as spiritually unique, and we will rejoice in it.
    Let's practice that now. Let's treat others with the same love and devotion that we will in Heaven one day.
    Our Verses for Next Week (our last ones!)
    Tuesday~ Galatians 5:5-6
    Wednesday~ 2 Thessalonians 1:11
    Thursday~ 1 Thessalonians 1:3
    Friday~ 1 John 4:16
    Saturday~ 1 Corinthians 13:13
    Sunday~ Review
    Next week will be the last post of this series. I'm kinda sad to see it over, but am excited about what is to come. :)
    Much Love, Kelly