Purple Prose [Search results for mood]
Moody McMooderson
Finding Magic in Doggie Doo (Aka Your Writing)
Life Lessons... What I've Been Putting off Posting
Tip # 52: Mood Counts
It Was A Dark and Stormy Night: Using Setting to Enhance a Story
Emotion Behind Story: Part Two
"What is Love?" Bible Study~ Week 4 Being a Martyr...
Plots and Hooks, Think Symphony!
"What is Love?" Week 5: Love is... (A Many Splendor Thing)
Your Characters’ Humor
Just Kiss Already Blogfest
~Holding Your Tongue~
Tip # 44: Sitting Pretty
Tip # 94: Changing The View
Tip #98: Make Your Camera Your BFF
Ringing in the New Year
On My Writerly Bookshelf
Tip # 91: It’s the Little Things
Tip #11: Light. Camera. Action! Directing the light